Quest:Opinions on Xêrba

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Opinions on Xêrba
Level 150
Type Solo
Starts with Tûphik
Starts at The Din of Arms
Start Region Umbar Baharbêl
Map Ref [19.2S, 96.7W]
Quest Group Umbar Baharbêl
Quest Text

Bestowal dialogue

'Psst! You there! Quickly, before I am caught talking while working!

'I want to collect opinions on this drink I brewed. I named it Xêrba! No alcohol in here, I promise. -- just fruit and spices. Could you offer samples to people wandering the gardens and see what they have to say?

'I swear, there is never enough time for me to do anything other than work....'


The overworked apprentice of The Din of Arms would like opinions on his new drink.

Objective 1

  • Give drink samples to wandering citizens (0/5)
  •  Flask

Tûphik has asked you to give Xêrba drink samples to wandering citizens so you can get their opinions.

You can find them around the gardens outside The Din of Arms.

Wandering Citizen says, "The amount of fruits used is almost overwhelming. Almost."
Wandering Citizen says, "Wonderful! Just the thing for those who avoid alcohol."
Wandering Citizen says, "It is pleasant, but why is a wine shop apprentice brewing without alcohol?"
Wandering Citizen says, "Not too sweet. Good."
Wandering Citizen says, "There is a hint of... hmm... the name is just on the tip of my tongue..."
Drink samples given (5/5)

Objective 2

  • Talk to Tûphik at The Din of Arms

You have no more samples of Xêrba to give!

You should report back to Tûphik at The Din of Arms.

Tûphik: 'Oh! I almost thought you would just run off and drink all of the Xêrba yourself... it would not be the first time!
'Thank you, this is all very useful information! Ah -- sorry, I must get back to work!'