Quest:Mission: The Zhélruka Clan, Chapter 3

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Mission: The Zhélruka Clan, Chapter 3
Level Scaling
Type Solo
Repeatable Yes
Starts with Prince Ingór
Starts at Hall of Vérnozal
Start Region Gundabad
Quest Group Allegiance: Clan of the Zhélruka
Quest Text

Bestowal Dialogue

'These blades are of an excellent make. They have not been battle-tested yet, have they? No, I will not gift an untested sword! If just one sword is faulty, this gift could be taken as a treacherous act against the Longbeards. The Longbeard captains will be arriving very soon. Quickly, you must find some Orcs and test out these weapons!'

 Twist: Lieutenant of Gorgar


Prince Ingór has declared that the newly forged Zhélruka swords must be properly tested before they can be gifted to the Longbeards.

Objective 1

  • Fight your way through the Orc encampment

Fight your way through the Orc encampment.

The lower ruins are now clear of enemies. It is safe to climb further
The middle ruins are now clear of enemies. It is safe to climb further
Now to find the Orc Captain

Objective 2

Summon and defeat the Orc Captain

The Orc Captain approaches!
You have defeated the Gundabad Pit-lord!
Mission: The Zhélruka Clan, Chapter 3
Zóva: 'Good work! I would say every one of those Zhélruka blades held their own in combat. We should return to Vérnozal and inform Prince Ingór of our success on this day!'