Quest:Mission: The Sorceress of Tûr Ágal (Instance)

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Mission: The Sorceress of Tûr Ágal (Instance)
Level Scaling
Type Solo
Repeatable Yes
Starts with Hórin
Starts at Hall of Vérnozal
Start Region Máttugard
Map Ref [45.3S, 115.0W]
Quest Group Mission
Quest Text

Bestowal Dialogue

Within the walls of Tûr Ágal, in Elderslade, an Angmarim sorceress has overtaken the tower for unknown and nefarious purposes...

Your mission is to defeat the Angmarim sorceress and retrieve an ancient text from Tûr Ágal.

 Twist: Illusionist


You have been tasked with defeating the Angmarim sorceress and retrieving an ancient text Tûr Ágal.

Objective 1

Defeat Calaminag.

Calaminag says, 'Have you come for the texts? I fear you have come for naught!'
Calaminag says, 'Time to test the skills I have learned upon you. Galachán will be pleased!'
Calaminag says, 'Ha ha ha!'
'How dost thou fight what can not be seen?'
Your mighty blow defeated the Spectral-spider
'Do not underestimate me!'
Calaminag says, 'Ha ha ha!'
'Oh, the folly! You will be lost in madness!'
Your mighty blow defeated the Flickering Light
'I have much more to show you!'
Calaminag says, 'Ha ha ha!'
'Face thy fears!'
Your mighty blow defeated the Spectral-bear
'You will fear me!'
Calaminag says, 'Wretched fool!'
'There is nowhere to run, from thy[sic] own ruin!'
Your mighty blow defeated the Spectral-giant
'The book is not yours to take!'
Calaminag says, 'Your mind is too strong! No!'
Calaminag has been defeated!

Objective 2

  • Retrieve the ancient text

Retrieve the ancient text.

A dwarf scout has arrived to escort you back to the halls of Máttugard.

Objective 3

The mission is complete!

Speak to Hórin for your reward!

Dwarf Scout: Well done, <name>! Not only is Calaminag defeated but the text Hórin seeks has been recovered as well. Let us return and report your success!'