Quest:Last Chance Escape

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Last Chance Escape
Level 145
Type Solo
Starts with Balidan
Starts at Mâr Naphra
Start Region The Shield Isles
Map Ref [3.6S, 130.2W]
Ends at Bakhjâd
End Region The Shield Isles
Map Ref [2.8S, 129.3W]
Quest Group The Shield Isles
Quest Text

Bestowal dialogue

'You... look different. Not like them. Those filthy scoundrels. I never thought life would be like this. When I first set out for the isles....

'I've underestimated just how cruel and rough the life of a pirate is. Your life is constantly at risk and people walk all over you.

'But I've a plan. They don't take kindly to deserters but I've a boat near the western coast. If I could get the necessary supplies to make her sea-worthy I might just be able to be free.'


Balidan expresses that he severely misjudged the life of a pirate. He desires your help in planning an escape.

Objective 1

  • Find spare oars (0/2)
  • Collect pillaged rations (0/4)

Balidan has asked you to collect some spare parts for his escape. The parts can be found within Mâr Naphra's off-limits storage.

Objective 2

  • Meet with Balidan

You have successfully collected everything Balidan needs to make his escape. Deliver them to the meeting point. Balidan is waiting on the coast south-west of Mâr Naphra.

Balidan: 'You made it, and you have the things! I'll finally be able to go home! I can't thank you enough, stranger. These are dark times indeed, but the light shines forth where it can!'