Quest:Invader's Banners

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Invader's Banners
Level 49
Type Solo
Starts with Lengliel
Starts at Echad Eregion
Start Region Eregion
Map Ref [47.0S, 12.5W]
Quest Group Eregion
Quest Chain Invaders of Barad Morlas
Quest Text

Bestowal dialogue

'We need to learn who leads the force at Barad Morlas. Until their leader is slain, the half-orcs will continue their efforts there, undaunted.

'Go to Barad Morlas, <name>, and collect several of the banners the half-orcs have raised there. Amidst those tattered banners may be a clue as to the identity of their leader.

'The banners have been raised throughout Barad Morlas, south-west of here. Hurry now, <name>...time is running short.'


You thinned the ranks of the half-orcs at Barad Morlas, but Lengliel warned you that would not be enough.

Objective 1

Tattered White Hand Banners can be found throughout the ruins of Barad Morlas, south-west of Echad Eregion. Lengliel is at Echad Eregion, north-east of Barad Morlas.

Lengliel has asked you to help her determine the identity of the half-orcs' leader by collecting banners from the ruins of Barad Morlas.

Lengliel: 'Were you not able to find any banners at Barad Morlas, <name>? I find that difficult to believe....'

Lengliel: 'These banners will do nicely, <name>. I should be able to learn the identity of the half-orcs' leaders with little difficulty.'