Bestowal dialogue
"Harding is the Thane of Harwick, Reeve of the Wold, and Aldor of the Northmarch, and the time has come to meet him...."
In the meadhall of Harwick, a meeting is taking place between Harding and his Captain, Agelmund. The Easterlings are advancing into the Wold, and the Rohirrim are hard pressed to keep their defences secure.
Objective 1
- Observe the meeting of Harding and his Captain
Harding and Captain Agelmund are discussing the recent attacks by the Easterlings, and what else has set in motion around Harwick.
- Aldor Harding says, "The survivors of Langhold are housed in tents outside the city walls."
- Aldor Harding says, "I would take them in, but short of having them stay in the Mead Hall, there is no room for them."
- Captain Agelmund says, "I beg your pardon, but someone is here."
- Aldor Harding says, "Indeed. What is the meaning of this intrusion?"
Objective 2
Harding and Captain Agelmund are discussing the recent attacks by the Easterlings, and what else has set in motion around Harwick.
- Aldor Harding: 'Who are you stranger, to interrupt my council? I told the guard I was not to be disturbed, save for critically important matters.
- 'Speak up! What dire news have you?'
Objective 3
Harding and Captain Agelmund are meeting on the Officers balcony of the Meadhall.
- Aldor Harding says, "Are you here to spy on me? Are you a servant of Wormtongue?"
- Aldor Harding says, "Or perhaps an agent of the Easterlings!"
- Aldor Harding says, "You may have come to seek my favour, but you will not have it, yet. I do not trust you."
- Aldor Harding says, "Get out of my city, now. You have not wronged me yet, so I will not imprison you."
- Aldor Harding says, "'But you are a trespasser, and are therefore under my command.' "
- Aldor Harding says, "Agelmund, take this <class> out of here. Do as you will."
- Captain Agelmund says, "With pleasure, Aldor Harding. Come, trespasser. You report to me now, unless you wish to see the stocks."
Objective 4
- Speak with Agelmund, Captian of the Wold
Harding and Captain Agelmund are meeting on the Officers' balcony of the Mead Hall.
- Captain Agelmund: 'We should leave before Harding changes his mind and decides to put you in jail for questioning. Let me know when you're ready to go.'
- Captain Agelmund: 'I'll take you to Feldburg right away.'