Quest:Honour Enough

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Honour Enough
Level 146
Type Solo
Starts with Ithurga
Starts at Halrax
Start Region The Shield Isles
Map Ref [10.1S, 126.1W]
Quest Group The Shield Isles
Quest Chain A Price To Be Paid
Quest Text

Bestowal dialogue

'Truth is <name>, the favour you curried with the Kindred will bring you undue attention. A newcomer hoisting their sail so quickly is grounds for suspicion. It's best to make amends before the elders start whispering in the shadows.

'Take your tithe and distribute it to some of the freebooters. It will curry favour with them. Be wary. The rumours will spread, and your welcome will end.'


Though pleased with your assistance regarding the matters facing the town of Halrax, Ithurga warns that not everyone is happy with the news that you made such inroads with the Kindred.

Objective 1

  • Distribute gold to the freebooters

Ithurga told you that the good you've done in Halrax will attract unwanted attention. He returned your tithe and told you to distribute it to the freebooters to gain favour.

Objective 2

  • Speak with Ithurga at his home in Halrax

You distributed your tithe to the freebooters. Return to Ithurga at his home in Halrax.

Ithurga: 'It's rare that you meet someone like you, my friend. I must admit that I am surprised by your resolve and honesty. Tell me, will you travel to Umbar Baharbêl? The city, I mean.'

Objective 3

  • Tell Ithurga you will not travel to Umbar (/no)
  • Tell Ithurga you will not travel to Umbar (/yes)

Ithurga asked if you will travel to Umbar. Tell him your intentions.
Use the emote /yes for yes or the emote /no for no.

Objective 4

  • Speak with Ithurga at his home in Halrax

Ithurga seems pleased with your response and wishes to speak with you one more time.

Ithurga: 'Listen, <name>. What you did for Halrax, for me... there aren't many as honest in all the world. Not at least that I've seen.
He hands you a sack of gold coins.
'You will need this more than I, and I can't keep your coin if you don't mean to stay. Not after all you've done.
'Go with the southern wind in your sails, my friend.'