Quest:Guiding the Misguided

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Guiding the Misguided
Level 62
Type Solo
Starts with Gwin Curhonon
Starts at Khoblún Utot
Start Region Enedwaith
Map Ref [64.8S, 23.0W]
Quest Group Enedwaith
Quest Text

Bestowal dialogue

'Hullo there! As you can see, I've gotten myself into a spot of trouble. You see, we thought these critters were fellow hobbits, but these bugan share no blood with us!

'Could you let me out of this cage? Perhaps together we can get away from here!'


Gwin Curhonon had come to the goblin-village of Khoblún Utot under the mistaken impression they were hobbits of another family lost during the ancient exodus from the east.

Objective 1

Gwin Curhonon is at Khoblún Utot in the Gloomglens.

Gwin Curhonon has asked you to help him escape the bugan of the Gloomglens.

Gwin Curhonon: 'Thank you friend...if you are ready, let's go!'

Objective 2

  • Talk to Gwin Curhonon

Gwin Curhonon is hiding outside Khoblún Utot in the Gloomglens.

You should speak with Gwin Curhonon about your successful escape from the bugan of Enedwaith.

Gwin Curhonon: 'Thank you, whoever you are... <name> you say? Could I ask one more favour of you?'