Quest:Feeding Boars

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Feeding Boars
Level 144
Type Solo
Starts with Branach
Starts at Cornworth
Start Region Pinnath Gelin
Map Ref [61.6S, 90.7W]
Ends with Branach
Ends at Cornworth
End Region Pinnath Gelin
Map Ref [61.6S, 90.7W]
Quest Group Pinnath Gelin
Quest Text

Bestowal Dialogue

'I heard a rumour that pigs fed on acorns taste delicious. I've had some of the other farmers send me the acorns they collect on their lands. Could you try placing them around the boar dens? I would do it myself, but the last time I got close to them they tried to gore me, and I am not interested in giving them another chance to do that.

'I would reward you handsomely for an investment in my gastronomic future.'


Branach would like you to feed acorns to wild boars so that they might take on a more unctuous flavour.

Objective 1

  • Scatter handfuls of acorns (0/4)

Scatter acorns for the nearby boars to eat.

The boars may be found to the south-west of Branach's farm, near the Hallothant.

Objective 2

You have done as Branach asked. Return to him.

Branach can be found at his farm, Cornworth, north-east of Farrowfold.

Branach: 'I realize now that I'll have to scatter more acorns myself after you leave. Unless... you wouldn't be planning to stay in the area for the next few weeks? No?'
He takes a bracing deep breath.
'Perhaps if I hurl the acorns from a great distance then immediately run...'