Quest:Curse of the Barrows

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Curse of the Barrows
Level 20
Type Solo
Starts with Arnail
Starts at South Downs
Start Region Cardolan
Map Ref [43.4S, 34.7W]
Quest Group Cardolan
Quest Text

Bestowal dialogue

'You there! Don't worry, I'll not try to rob you. I need – well, I could use your help, you see. My companions and I heard that there were great treasures in the ruins of Haudh Nirui. My grannytried to warn me of the dangers, but I didn't listen to 'er. Few nights back, we broke into one of the barrows and carried out what shining things we found.'

He swallows nervously and looks around.

'Well, the truth is - I've not slept a night since! I swear something, someone, is following me! I cannot take the constant dread a moment longer. Please! You must help me! Return the artifacts that I stole! I am too a'feared to go nearer, and to make matters worse, goblins have moved into the ruins! Please help! I can't go on like this!'


A harried graverobber begs for assistance in lifting a potentially deadly curse.

Objective 1

  • Return stolen artifacts (0/8)

Arnail has asked you to return stolen items to graves within Haudh Nirui.

Haudh Nirui is in the South Downs, in north-eastern Cardolan.

Returned stolen artifacts (8/8)

Objective 2

You should let Arnail know that you have returned the stolen artifacts to the graves.

Arnail is on the road near the Scurloc Farm, in the South Downs.

Arnail: 'Ah, did it work? Is it done? That is – I'm sure I'll feel better soon. Wait, did you hear that?'
He gulps and looks around.
'I need to get out of here! Thank you for your help! I learned my lesson for sure!'