Quest:Chapter 14.4: A Vengeful Heart

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Chapter 14.4: A Vengeful Heart
Level 128
Type Solo
Starts with Gothmog
Starts at Barad Cúron, the Tower of the Crescent Moon
Start Region Minas Morgul
Ends with Culang
Ends at Barad Cúron, the Tower of the Crescent Moon
End Region Minas Morgul
Quest Group The Black Book of Mordor: Chapter 14
Quest Text

Bestowal dialogue

'My enemies seek access to the gorge of Thuringwath, but they are unworthy of the secret within. That place was enwreathed with spells, kept from the eyes of all but Sauron's most trusted servants. My Master could claim the right, as could the others of his order, but the Nazgûl are gone to the void and will not return. None but Gothmog now has the right. Have I not paid the greatest price of all?'


Gothmog believes he is most deserving of Thuringwath's secrets, but his enemies encircle the tower and wish to challenge him for them.

Objective 1

Culang is in the throne room of Barad Cúron.

Culang: 'I cannot tell from his words if he found aught of use in that place, <name>. His wound looks to me mortal, but he was kept alive by dark arts, and I cannot say for certain if it be so. If he is dying, let him die! The sooner his evil is gone from this world, the better!
'He claims to deserve whatever weapon lies within Thuringwath. Did he find it or not?'
Culang draws a sharp breath.
'Did you hear that?'

Objective 2

Culang is in the throne room of Barad Cúron, concerned about the sound of newcomers approaching.

Culang: 'Did you hear that? Someone comes!'

Objective 3

  • Talk to Culang in the throne room of Barad Cúron

Culang is in the Hall of the Moon of Barad Cúron.

Culang: '<name>, have you escaped serious injury? Annoth was not so fortunate. He has achieved the vengeance he sought, though it arrived not in the manner he sought. Let him rest now, and may the Thandrim for whom he grieved find peace with the death of Ugrukhôr.
'And so the Captain of the Pit is undone by the sword of Annoth, wielded by Gothmog, and now both Ugrukhôr and Gothmog are undone. Is that not the nature of evil? Treacherous even to its own. None shall mourn for either of the slain.'