Category talk:North Ithilien Quests

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Putting section headings in this, or included content, contaminates the table of contents of the quests in the category. The first 4 entries of the TOC of the quests are now

1 The Crossroads (After Battle)
2 Aelin Veren
3 Henneth Annûn
4 Camp of the Host

--Meyla (talk) 20:02, 31 October 2016 (UTC)

This is an old bug in the Quest template. Nobody has ever figured out why it happens.
Wm Magill - Valamar - OTG/OTC - talk 01:27, 6 November 2016 (UTC)
Well, I'm assuming the included quest chain section is just considered part of the page, and the standard TOC (summoned by {{toc-right}} just before "Bestowal Dialogue") is calculated from headings across the whole page content, not just the bit in the Quest Text section.
Looks like the only config option in the standard TOC is to ignore headings below a certain level. There's no "ignore this heading" or similar.
--Meyla (talk) 02:40, 6 November 2016 (UTC)