Roving Threat

Revision as of 03:00, 9 November 2017 by Zephyrians (talk | contribs) (More accurate spawning location)
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Roving Threats (RT) are a new type of high-level, landscape content (i.e. not a dungeon or instance) designed for player groups in Fellowships and Small Fellowships. They were introduced with Update 15 and are expected to be expanded in future updates.
Roving Threats are often compared to Warbands tech, but are different. In particular, there are two distinct groups of Roving Threats, those in Eriador and those in Gondor. In Eriador, the Roving Threats appear in NON-mounted combat areas, while in Gondor, the areas where they appear are open to Mounted Combat.

Spawning cycles

These enemies can appear randomly in one of multiple locations (see area lists below), but they will only change their location once a day. Each area has a number of established spawn locations. At the start of each day, each Roving Threat is assigned a particular spawn area for the day. It "paces" in that small area, but doesn't go far. When defeated, it respawns in that same area (currently after about 5 minutes). Once you know the location for a Roving Threat for the day, it will always be there. As usual, a "day" begins at 03:00 Server Time.


Each Roving Threat has a set of unique abilities, providing a greater challenge than Warbands, for the most part. For example, the spider Scythe-jaw will apply a poison that instantly defeats players upon expiring. Roving Threats are labelled as Rare Arch-nemeses, and therefore it is recommended to fight them with a group. Some of them may be taken on solo by skilled players, but their large Morale pools ensure that this will take a large amount of time.
A hint for small groups who do happen to have a Lore-master with them would be to use the bear as a tank. Many special abilities of the Roving Threats are not used against pets.That would require the Lore-master to make use of the blue line as to make the bear sturdier to tank but an added benefit is that the Common damage type that pets have is actually the one which the majority of RTs are most vulnerable to.

Roving Threats by Area

Warbands & Roving Threads in Central Gondor

Central Gondor

  • In Central Gondor, each Roving Threat has a daily quest related to it which is NOT automatically bestowed upon encountering it, but must be unlocked by achieving a sufficient rank of Reputation with the faction residing in the Area the Roving Threat is in. Each quest is given by a different individual after you have achieved the appropriate reputation.
  • Central Gondor Roving Threats are listed by reputation level. Tier 1 requires acquaintance; Tier 2 requires friend; Tier 3 requires ally with the particular area. [This is old information, reputation is no longer needed (might need acquintance though?).] You must finish the local location's quests to unlock the local Roving Threat quests.

Ringló Vale

Roving Threats
Spawning locations


Roving Threats
Spawning locations


Roving Threats
Spawning locations

Eastern Gondor

South Ithilien

Spawning locations

Western Gondor

Dol Amroth

Roving Threats
Spawning locations

The Wastes

  • In The Wastes, all Roving Threat Quests are Landscape Quests.
  • They are listed here by how many  Gift-giver's Brand you get for completing the quest. The small fellowship RTs give 1 Brand, larger fellowship RTs give 3 Brands.

The Wastes

Roving Threats
Spawning locations
Roving Threats in The Wastes


  • In Eriador, each Roving Threat has a quest available from the Roving Threat Quartermaster in its particular region. (Current regions are Evendim, the North Downs, Forochel, the Misty Mountains, and Angmar.)
  • These areas are of a much lower level than the Roving Threats' level 100 Quests, typically 40-50. Therefore players have tended to "move-on," consequently when a level 100 player first re-enters the region, they will receive a landscape quest to visit a particular NPC and assist them with these Roving Threats. Note that most of these Roving Threats can easily "one-shot" most non-level 100 players.
  • Each quest awards one to three  Gift-giver's Brand. The introductory quest does not award a brand.
  • Since the Roving Threat creatures can be defeated multiple times, in Eriador, the Roving Threat quests also reset on a daily basis. Therefore the Gift-giver's Brand rewards are limited from "farming."


Roving Threats
Spawning locations


Roving Threats
Spawning Locations


Roving Threats
Spawning locations

Misty Mountains

Roving Threats
Spawning locations

North Downs

Roving Threats
Spawning Locations


Southern Mirkwood

Roving Threats
Spawning Locations

Roving Threat Quartermaster

Roving Threat Quartermasters are found in regions where Roving Threats are roaming. To characters level 100 and above they offer daily quests to defeat these creatures and barter Gift-giver's Brands for loot and Figments of Splendour for cosmetic "First Age Weapons".




All Quests

Note: All "intro" quests are automatically bestowed upon entering the specified region at level 100


Cosmetic Pet Gallery

Pond Frog

Roving Threat Deeds

Roving Threat Titles
