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Enedwaith Quests in Quest Chain order

To Do

  • Make a correct list of quest order - DONE
  • Update categories to match the flow in game. Idea below:
    • Enedwaith Quest
      • Fordirith Quests
        • In this category are all quests that are located in Fordirith
        • Sub-category: Echad Dagoras Quests
          • In this category are all quests in Echad Dagoras, but not in the other sub categories (make a choice)
        • Sub-category: Shadows from Afar Quests
          • In this category are all quests in Shadows from Afar, but not in the other sub categories (make a choice)
        • Sub-category: Behind Bars Quests
          • In this category are all quests in Behind Bars, but not in the other sub categories (make a choice)
      • Windfells Quests
      • Etc
  • Update Quest pages with the new categories in the quest chain box
    • Done: Fordirith
    • To Do: Windfells, Gloomglens, Nan Laeglin, Thrór's Coomb, Lich Bluffs, Mournshaws
    • Working on this
    • Include all quests in categories:
      • Major area (Fordirith, Windfells)
      • sub-questgroup (behind bars, shadows form afar)
      • optional: type (reputation, instance)
  • Update area pages
  • Update NPC text pages
  • Look at Epic Questline


Echad Dagoras

[61] A Pointed Message
[61] Uniformity Repeatable
[61] Cache and Carry: Hidden Lore
[61] Black Flames Repeatable
[61] Feral Shadow
[61] Midnight Hunters Repeatable
After completing the quest lines of Amarion and Dagoras


Echad Saeradan: Saeradan Quests

  1. [62] An Outstretched Hand

Echad Saeradan: Andreg Quests

  1. [62] Feeding the Company
  2. You must choose one of the following quests:
Following Quests and vector to Uch Cadlus only if A Matter of Doubt is chosen
  1. [62] The Butchered Herd
  2. [62] Protecting the Herd
  3. [62] A Matter of Honour

Gavar Cadlus Quests: These quests become available after completing An Outstretched Hand

  1. [62] Sign of the White Hand On finding a Banner of the White Hand near Gwyllion's Gate
  2. [62] The Mystery Deepens
  3. [62] The Old Woman of the Mountain


Landscape Drops

Echad Idhrenfair

  1. [62] Scouring the Wood
  2. [62] Goblins of Enedwaith
  3. [63] The Edge of the Wild Vector to Lhanuch

Maur Tulhau

  1. [62] Meet the Stoors

Nan Laeglin


  1. [63] The Brenin's Council
  2. [63] Instance: The Council of Brehur Solo Only
  3. [64] Trouble in the Bluffs Vector to Mincham in the Lich Bluffs

Lich Bluffs

Landscape Drops


    1. [64] Source of the Unrest
    2. [64] Darkness Revealed
    3. [64] The Haunted Forest

Weaken the Grip of Darkness chain

  1. [64] Mysterious Residue On finding a Puddle of Vile Liquid in Trac-plas
  2. [64] Searching for Signs
  3. [64] Weaken the Grip of Darkness

Father of Our Lament chain

  1. [64] A Symbol of the Past On finding a Broken Amulet from wights in the Lich Bluffs
  2. [64] The Hermit
  3. [64] Rise of the Fallen Son
  4. [64] Resting Place
  5. [64] Father of Our Lament

Ost Dunhoth

Thror's Coomb

Landscape Drops





Echad Daervunn

  1. [65] The Lost Hunter
  2. [65] The Derudhs' Circle
  3. [65] Rituals of the Forest
  4. [65] The Elders
    1. [65] Court of the Wild Huntsman
    2. [65] The Wild Hunt
      1. [65] The Wild Hunt: Arassiel's Spirit

Misty Mountains Quest Revamp

Starting without any quest in quest log or completed for the Misties

Another Vector quest from Rivendell:

Glóin's Camp / Bruinen Source West

Vector Quests towards the Misty Mountains:

While walking to Gloins Camp:

While killing bears

  • Landscape: [40] Quest:Bears of the North (also on kill) 23.4S, 3.4W (finished on wiki) (nothing after hand-in)
  • Landscape: [40] Quest:Old Treasures (also on kill) 22.9S, 3.5W (you see the chest by standing in the middle of the stairs, between the snow-beast, at 21.7s 4.5W) (vector to High Crag, ends at Larus) (finished on wiki)

High Crag/Bruinen Source East/Bruinen Source North

  • Landscape: [40] Quest:Old Treasures (also on kill) 22.9S, 3.5W (you see the chest by standing in the middle of the stairs, between the snow-beast, at 21.7s 4.5W) (vector to High Crag, ends at Larus) (finished at wiki)
  • Quest:Every Last Ingot (starts/ends at Larus} (finished at wiki)
    • Landscape: [41] Quest:Arctic Hunters 22.5S, 0.3E (while walking towards Pennath Fenui) (ends at Vighar) (finished on wikk)
  • Quest:The Other Chest (starts at Larus, ends at Halmur} (finished at wiki)
  • Quest:The Last Ingot (starts at Halmur/ends at Larus) (finished at wiki) (when done with this one, Quest:Into the High Pass opens up from Vighar)
  • Quest:Real Treasure (starts at Larus/ends at Heikki Goldwatcher (THorin's Hall)) (finished at the wiki) (Chain ends here)


Vector to Vindurhal: Quest:Into the High Pass (from High Crag) (opens up no further quests)
Upon arrival, quests available:



Central Gondor Quests

While in Western Gondor:
Quest:Introduction: Central Gondor (vector from anywhere to Lothíriel, then onwards to Ethring)

Ringló Vale


  1. Defenders of the Vale
  2. Arvaethor's Patrol

  1. Darkness over Ethring (ends at Borhador in the Crossing Hall)
  2. Signs of Hope (starts at Borhador, ends at


  1. Corsairs at the Fallen Beacon
  2. Bounty: Corsairs at the Fallen Beacon repeatable


  1. Catch of the Day (fishin nets: near the water mill, 71.9S 49.5W. Body: 71.9S 49.2W) (ends at Laerind)
  2. The Examination
  3. A Case of Fear