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The Old Timers Guild
World: Gladden
Vocation: Armsman
Class: Champion
Race: Elf
Region: Mirkwood
Age: n/a
Height: n/a
Sex: Female
Skin: Light
Hair: Brown
Eye: Green

Thendora’s Journal

I decided to start this journal after I was leaving Bree-town to adventure in the wilder areas and realized I wanted to remember more about what I have done. I don't think I can reliably reconstruct all that has happened to me since the destruction of the refuge of Edhelion, so I will just pick up where I am now.

In simple terms I spent a great deal of time exploring all of Ered Luin (including the dwarven areas), all of the Shire, and the eastern part of Bree-land (Archet, Combe, and Staddle). I helped all I came across and began to learn the are of the Woodworker and Weaponsmith.

While in Ered Luin, I got involved in the search for Avorthal, the son of Cardavor. I finally discovered that he had been kidnapped by dwarves (led by Skorgrim Dourhand, it turns out) as part of a plot with some goblins to reck havok in Ered Luin. I helped the Ranger Langlas free him from the Dourhands and then did my part in the assault to drive back the goblins, who were well established in Rath Teraig.


I have been exploring the area around Bree-land and helping people in the villages. Right now I am just working to finish up any loose ends before moving on.

level 20

Well, I finally found the ranger Strider in the Prancing Pony in Bree-town. He as asked me to help move against Amdir and the Dourhand's lord (Chapter 1: Unravelling the Thread). We were successful in killing Amdir before he was fully changed to a wraith; however, Skorgrim escaped.

While he went about other business, Strider asked me to speak with Constable Underhill, in Combe (Chapter 2: To a Constable's Aid). We went together to clear out the Blackwold's cave (Chapter 3: Blackwolds Broken); there we found Skorgrim trying to regain the brigands support for Angmar.

Underhill sent me back to report to Strider (Chapter 4: Dark Designs). He immediately dispached me to learn what ranger Lenglinn has learned of the Nazgul in Buckland (Chapter 5: The Other Riders). Lenglinn saw the riders heading east (toward Bree-town); however, he wanted me to kill some of the craban that the riders left behind as spies (Chapter 6: In the Black Riders' Wake}. He then asked me to go the Baggin's house in Crickhollow to see what the riders may have learned (Chapter 7: Horn-call of Buckland) and to report to Strider.

Strider sent me off to see Tom Bombadil in the Old Forest in an effort to kill two of the craban that may have learned that the ring has left the shire (Quest:Book 1, Chapter 8: Master of the Wood). Tom agreed to chase down the birds if I gather water lilies for him (Chapter 9: Lilies for the River-daughter) and told me where to find them in the Barrow-downs (Chapter 10: Into the Barrow-downs).

I found a servant of Angmar named Andraste who learned from the birds and killed her and the birds before she could report to the Nine; however, she said the Lord of the Mazgul went to Othrongroth. Tom agreed to take me and some friends into the Great Barrow to discover what he is doing there (Chapter 11: Othrongroth).

To be continued...

The Forsaken Inn

I had done some work for the people at the Forsaken Inn in the Lone-lands. Now is the time to go back and finish what I can for them.

Gadaric Munce had asked me to kill some of the orcs as revenge (Vengeance for the Lost) and when I came back successfully, he asked me to kill some of the wargs in the area (Hunters Become Prey).

I had previously found the destroyed supply cart of the tavern keep, Anlaf the Forlorn. He now asked me to ask Chief Watcher Grimbriar in Bree for more supplies (Fair Trade with Bree). Grimbriar will arrange for the supplies if I kill a pack of wolves near the Midgewater Marshes.

level 21

When I returned to Grimbriar, he said he would send the supplies to the Forsaken Inn. While there, I talked to Mayor Graeme Tenderlarch; he asked me to move north to Trestlebridge to help defend the town against Orcs (Quest:Bree-town to Trestlebridge). I am to report to Guardsman Otley.



I have moved my base of operations to Trestlebridge. After exploring the town a bit I spoke to Guardsman Otley. He told me the townspeople are in need of help:

  • Talbot Hinton was a guard, fired for falling asleep; he needs me to help him prove that the orcs caused his slumber <A Poor Guard>.

I returned to Elsie with the supplies. She then asked me to check on her family, who are cutting trees along the Greenway <Felling Trees>.

I showed Talbot the gunk I found brewing in the orc camps and he asked me to show it to Captain Trotter <Talbot Redeemed>. Trotter suspects that an orc defiler is behind this and asked me to seak him out and slay him <Vile Poison>.

I found Elsie's family. Mattie Woodruff asked me to salvage a wheel for his wagon from the orcs <Quest:Salvage a Wheel>. When I found a wheel, he asked me to tell Elsie they are on the way back <Quest:All's Well>.

Level 22

I returned the Founder's Book to Marla. She asked me to find the maps torn from the book (orcs may be using them for planning) <Quest:Restoring the Founder's Book>.

Marla's neighbor, Kemp the Wheelwright, called me over to ask me to help revenge the town against the orcs. I am to kill a whole bunch <Quest:Kemp's Revenge>. He then asked me to recover his stash that is now behind the orc lines <Kemp's Stash>.

Level 23
Master Expert Prospector
Expert Weaponsmith

Captain Trotter sent me to the guard at the bridge to investigate a strange magic.

Amon Raith

While wandering along the Greenway, I discovered a clutch of refugees in Amon Raith. The ranger Amarion is their protector and asked me to hunt and scout for them. He then let the refugees know that I was there to help them.

Level 25
Master Expert Weaponsmith


On the way to deliver a message to Lin Giliath, I wandered into Esteldin. This seems to be a ranger outpost of some size and I may base myself here for a while. I spoke with many of the people here and got a long list of things to do for them.

I also met with some people on the road before heading into Lin Giliath.

So far I have been hunting in the farmlands and marshes to the west and south of Esteldin.

Level 26

Nan Amlug West

I have moved north to help the Dwarves in Othrikar. They are moving in now that the Dourhands have been evicted and need help setting up shop.

Level 28

In helping them, I have also started hunting in Nan Amlug East.

Level 29

Also started to help the Earth-kin who are camped near Esteldin. Many of their brethern have been seduced by the evil out of Angmar.

Level 30


Ost Guruth

My Champion trainer sent me to Ost Guruth for more training so I decided to move my base of operations there. After finishing my training, I began helping the people there.