User:Mkfreak123/Laegor Horthian

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Laegor Horthian
World: Gladden
Vocation: Woodsmen
Class: Hunter
Race: Elf
Region: Mirkwood
Age: 1331
Height: 6ft 1in
Sex: Male
Skin: Fair
Hair: Dirty Blond, long.
Eye: Green


Physical Description: Rugged face, wrinkles under his eyes (he seems very worn) and a pronounced nose the is smooth coming down and thin at the center. Laegor has a short neck (not unlike most elves) with very broad shoulders. Long, stretched out arms meet with his shoulders and end with his hardened hands. His torso is wide up top and slims down as his body descends. His athletic build supports his heavier upper body and grants him great speed.

Personality Description: Laegor Horthian, is a very humble elf. He is usually always finding ways to sound philosophical and wise while still getting his point across. He has a soft, gentle voice that seldom gives off the expression that he is angry. His voice bellows and deepens when he does become irate however and that is not a pretty site. When mad, Laegor is known to be impulsive and act without thought- this caused him trouble more times then not. He tends to always have a smile on his seasoned face and even though there is a situation where he should be serious, he looks nothing off it.


Laegor Horthian was born in Mirkwood(at the time known as Greenwood) during the Second Age on February 9th, 25. His father was Umor Horthian and his mother was Alloria Mertek, he had no siblings. Laegor- at a very young age (as far as elves are concerned) had a knack for bow's, by the time he was able to wield one he had amazing talent- which brought along his interest on increasing his proficiency with the bow. He joined many marksman competitions and never lost one- his narrowest victory however was during the Second Age 300, against the man Arathorn. He left Greenwood around 567 S.A and ended up in Rivendell among the High Elves- which is where Laegor met his future wife, Monwyn Elen. They had only one child together, that child being Mertek Horthian and that lads tale is another one needed to be told later on.

Friends and Enemies


  • Cymae Stumblefoot (Hobbit)


  • Orcivus Du'Urden (Orc)


  • He once was found crying in the city of Bree by a women on her horse.