Quest:What Beast?

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What Beast?
Level 38
Type Solo
Starts with Landscape
Starts at Tâl Bruinen
Start Region Trollshaws
Map Ref [37.5S, 16.0W]
End Region Trollshaws
Map Ref [37.3S, 14.8W]
Quest Group Trollshaws
Quest Chain The Creeping Shadow
Quest Text

Bestowal dialogue

While you were able to recover Wistan's arrows, something has devoured much of the white hart's corpse already. The markings upon the carcass do not look like those of an animal, nor of a Wood-troll, however. Something else is roaming Tâl Bruinen, and you should discover what it is.


You found the carcass of the white hart and recovered Wistan's arrows, but something devoured much of the corpse already.

Objective 1

The creature which devoured the white hart may have left tracks nearby, which you should look for.

While you were able to recover Wistan's arrows, something has devoured much of the white hart's corpse already. The markings upon the carcass do not look like those of an animal, nor of a Wood-troll, however. Something else is roaming Tâl Bruinen, and you should discover what it is.

Some creature is roaming Tâl Bruinen, and you should discover what it is
You have found the creature's tracks, and they appear to lead north-east, back towards the river

Objective 2

  • Follow the creature's trail north-east towards the river

The creature's tracks lead north-east from the carcass of the white hart towards the river

You should follow the creature's tracks.

The tracks continue north-east towards the river
The creature's trail turns east along the riverbank

Objective 2

  • Follow the creature's trail eastward along the riverbank

The creature's trail turn east along the riverbank.

You should continue to follow the creature's tracks.

The creature's trail appears to end here... perhaps it crossed to the eastern shore

The quest completes at this point and The Creeping Shadow is opened.