Quest:Vineyard Pests

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Vineyard Pests
Level 144
Type Solo
Starts with Miruhir
Starts at Iáphel
Start Region Pinnath Gelin
Map Ref [60.0S, 94.1W]
Ends with Miruhir
Ends at Iáphel
End Region Pinnath Gelin
Map Ref [60.0S, 94.1W]
Quest Group Pinnath Gelin
Quest Text

Bestowal Dialogue

'A swarm of sickle-flies have made a home in the fields to the north-west. Sometimes they stray in to the vineyards and spoil my grapes and bite my people! Could you help rid me of those pests?'


Sickle-flies plague Iáphel.

Objective 1

Miruhir has asked you to defeat sickle-flies to the north-west of the vineyard.

Defeat sickle-flies near Iáphel.

Objective 2

You should tell Miruhir that you have dealt with sickle-flies.

Miruhir can be found in Iáphel.

Miruhir: Miruhir shivers as you tell him how you dealt with the sickle-flies.
'I would have taken care of them myself if they didn't upset my stomach so. They are disgusting to behold, and the very sound they make is like a millstone against my ear. Thank you for your aid.'