Quest:The City of Dol Amroth

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The City of Dol Amroth
Level 99
Type Solo
Starts with Dol Amroth Door-guard
Starts at Dol Amroth
Start Region Dol Amroth
Map Ref [76.1S, 70.6W]
Ends with Lothíriel
Ends at Great Hall of the Prince
End Region Dol Amroth
Map Ref [74.4S, 72.2W]
Quest Chain Belfalas
Quest Text

Bestowal Dialogue

(Elves only)
'I am duty-bound to bid you welcome to the fair city of Dol Amroth, where Prince Imrahil rules. Alas that our prince has ridden to war; may he return whole and hale! Lothíriel now governs in his stead.

'Dol Amroth is a great city of Gondor, and you will not see its like anywhere. Would you like a tour? Many of our folk would be happy to show you the sights, though I am sure you would not do the same for them in your own lands.

'You will find us a friendly peoples...unlike your kind. Just walk around and you will be greeted by pleasant townsfolk.'

(Other races)
'Welcome to the fair city of Dol Amroth, where Prince Imrahil rules. Alas that our prince has ridden to war; may he return whole and hale! Lothíriel now governs in his stead.

'Dol Amroth is a great city of Gondor, and you will not see its like anywhere. Would you like a tour? Many of our folk would be happy to show you the sights.

'You will find us a friendly peoples. Just walk around and you will be greeted by pleasant townsfolk.'


You have come to the beautiful coastal city of Dol Amroth, and the gate-guard has suggested that you tour the sights.

Objective 1

The wharf is on the eastern side of Dol Amroth.

You should make your way to the wharf.

You have found the wharf of Dol Amroth

Objective 2

Anírwen is at the wharf on the east side of Dol Amroth.

You should speak with Anírwen.

Anírwen: 'Well met, stranger. Are you here to see the wharf? It is perhaps not the best view of Dol Amroth, but I have always found it the most beautiful place in the city.
'Here you will find all of the fishermen hard at work, and the tall ships rest ere they set out for another great adventure.
'Is there a better smell on earth than clean sea air and fresh fish, and the salt of sea and sweat?'

Objective 3

The Artisan's Quarter is in north Dol Amroth.

You should make your way to the Artisans' Quarter.

You have found the Artisans' Quarter

Objective 4

  • Speak with someone in the Artisans' Quarter

The Artisan's Quarter is in north-east Dol Amroth.

You should speak with someone at the Artisans' Quarter.

Townsperson: 'Are you a travelling artisan, friend? If so, you have come to the right place, for you'll not find a better crafters' area for leagues upon leagues.'

Objective 5

The Keep of the Swan-knights is in north Dol Amroth.

You should make your way to the Keep of the Swan-knights.

You have found the Keep of the Swan-knights

Objective 6

The Keep of the Swan-knights is in north Dol Amroth.

You should speak with one of the Swan-knights.

Beriadir: 'We get many travellers in Dol Amroth. I bid you welcome! I also say to you: Mind your behaviour while you are here. Drink and make merriment as you will, but do try not to cause a disturbance.
'Here is the Keep of the Swan-knights, where the finest soldiers of Dol Amroth execute the will of Prince Imrahil, or the lady Lothíriel who now governs in his place. A fine prospect, is it not?'

Objective 7

Inzibel's Walk is in north-east Dol Amroth.

You should make your way to Inzibel's Walk.

You have come to a quiet and secluded part of the city, breathtakingly lovely.

Objective 8

The Court of the Fount is in the centre of Dol Amroth.

You should make your way to the Court of the Fount.

You have found the Court of the Fount

Objective 9

  • Speak with someone in the Court of the Fount

The Court of the Fount is in the centre of Dol Amroth.

You should speak with someone at the Court of the Fount.

Townsperson: 'Have you ever seen a finer fountain? I have lived here all my life, but I still come every day just to gaze upon it. It is the pride of Dol Amroth.
'If you are travelling through, the Court of the Fount is where you want to be. Here we have the finest goods for sale from all over the world, brought from our ships. It is always bustling here. Never a dull moment!'

Objective 10

The Library of Saphadzîr is just south of the centre of Dol Amroth.

You should make your way to the Library of Saphadzîr.

Here is a great old library, filled with ancient tomes and records of Gondor.

Objective 11

The Scholars' Quarter is in southern Dol Amroth.

You should make your way to the Scholars' Quarter.

You have found the Scholars' Quarter

Objective 12

  • Speak with someone in the Scholars' Quarter

The Scholar's Quarter is in southern Dol Amroth.

You should speak with someone in the Scholars' Quarter.

Townsperson: 'My pardons, I was lost in thought. People often come here to lose themselves in their thoughts, for this is the Scholars' Quarter. Here you will find the great minds of Dol Amroth.'

Objective 13

The Mason's Court is in southern Dol Amroth.

You should make your way to the Masons' Court.

You have found the Masons' Court

Object 14

Laegened, the master stonemason, can be found in the Masons' Court.

You should speak with Laegened.

Laegened: 'I am the master stonemason in these parts. Only the best stoneworkers in Gondor may study under me, and most will never master the art themselves.'

Objective 15

The Harpers' Court is in western Dol Amroth.

You should make your way to the Harpers' Court.

You have found the Harpers' Court

Objective 16

  • Speak with someone in the Harpers' Court

The Harper's Court is in western Dol Amroth.

You should speak with someone in the Harpers' Court.

Townsperson: 'This is the finest place for a concert in all the world. Musicians come here to practice, too, so there is always music upon the air. Oh, but how I love a sweet melody!'

Objective 17

Lothíriel is in the Great Hall of the Prince.

You should speak with Lothíriel.

Lothíriel: 'Welcome, honoured guest. Did you enjoy your tour of our fair city? It is a beautiful and peaceful place, full of art, music, and bustling markets.
'Alas for the war that threatens us all. I fear that we will lose our way of life, if my father Imrahil cannot help Denethor uphold Minas Tirith against the shadow that looms in the east.'