Quest:The Banners of Gorgar

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The Banners of Gorgar
Level 133
Type Solo
Starts with Rékkur
Starts at Aslíf
Start Region Deepscrave
Map Ref [50.1S, 117.7W]
Ends with Rékkur
Ends at Aslíf
End Region Deepscrave
Quest Group Gundabad: Deepscrave
Quest Text

Bestowal Dialogue

'The banners hanging in Durshulot mock us. The Orcs believe that those banners, and Gorgar himself, remain untouchable.

'We may not be able to deal with Gorgar today, but we can burn those banners at the very least. Head north-west to Durshulot. Show the Orcs that they are mistaken!'


Gorgar's forces flock to Durshulot, waving his banners proudly. Rékkur has an idea for what to do with them.

Objective 1

  • Burn Orkish banner (0/5)

Durshulot lies on the middle tier to the north-west of Aslíf.

Rékkur believes that burning the Orkish banners at Durshulot will diminish the morale among Gorgar's forces.

Burned Orkish banners (5/5)

Objective 2

Rékkur is stationed in Aslíf and will want to hear that the deed is done.

Rékkur: 'Magnificent job, my friend. I could see the smoke from here. And who knows? Perhaps we'll get our hands on Gorgar soon enough!'