Quest:Student of the Enemy

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Student of the Enemy
Level 53
Type Solo
Starts with Gelirwen
Starts at Echad Mirobel
Start Region Eregion
Map Ref [53.3S, 15.5W]
Ends at The School at Tham Mírdain
End Region Eregion
Map Ref [53.3S, 15.5W]
Quest Group Eregion
Quest Chain Agents of the South
Quest Text

Bestowal dialogue

We have tracked the forces of Isengard and believe they are ransacking an ancient school, desperately searching for any knowledge related to the making of Rings of Power. We must find this school before them.'


The Elves of Echad Mirobel have tracked Isengard's forces in Eregion to an ancient school.

Objective 1

The School of Tham Mírdain can be found in Mirobel, in the south-west region of Eregion.

Gelriwen of Echad Mirobel has asked you to find the entrance to an ancient school.

Gelirwen: 'You must find the School at Tham Mírdain, <name>!'
Found the School of Tham Mírdain