Quest:Scouring the Wood

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Scouring the Wood
Level 62
Type Solo
Starts with Idhrenfair
Starts at Echad Idhrenfair
Start Region Enedwaith
Map Ref [63.5S, 21.5W]
Quest Group Enedwaith
Quest Text

Bestowal dialogue

'Greetings, <name>. It has been long since we spoke with each other at the Haunted Inn of Audaghaim. I must confess that I am relieved to be gone from that place.

'I understand that you are aware of our purpose and would ask for your assistance. It is of utmost importance that our passage remains hidden from the eyes of the Enemy, and for that purpose are we here in the Gloomglens.

'Will you scout the paths of the Gloomglens and learn whether any enemies patrol these lands? Return here when you have completed your patrol and let me know what you have found.'


The Rangers of the Grey Company seek to ensure the secrecy of their purpose and their passage through Enedwaith.

Objective 1

  • Scout the first patrol point

The first patrol point is north-east of Echad Idhrenfair.

Idhrenfair has asked you to patrol the paths of the Gloomglens with instructions to keep an eye out for any signs of the Enemy's minions.

Idhrenfair: 'Have you finished your patrol already?'

Objective 2

  • Scout the second patrol point

The second patrol point is north-west of the first.

Idhrenfair has asked you to patrol the paths of the Gloomglens with instructions to keep an eye out for any signs of the Enemy's minions.

Objective 3

  • Scout the third patrol point

The third patrol point is south-west of the second.

Idhrenfair has asked you to patrol the paths of the Gloomglens with instructions to keep an eye out for any signs of the Enemy's minions.

Objective 4

  • Scout the fourth patrol point

The fourth patrol point is south of the third.

Idhrenfair has asked you to patrol the paths of the Gloomglens with instructions to keep an eye out for any signs of the Enemy's minions.

Objective 5

  • Scout the fifth patrol point

The fifth patrol point is east of the fourth.

Idhrenfair has asked you to patrol the paths of the Gloomglens with instructions to keep an eye out for any signs of the Enemy's minions.

You have discovered a village of strange creatures

Objective 6

Idhrenfair is at Echad Idhrenfair in the Gloomglens of Enedwaith, north-west of the fifth patrol point.

You should return to Idhrenfair with news of your discoveries.

Idhrenfair: 'What is this you say? You found a village of strange, halfling-like creatures? But they are not of a halfling people? I must think on this.'