Quest:Pinnath Gelin's Premiere Fishing Contest - Round Two

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Pinnath Gelin's Premiere Fishing Contest - Round Two
Level 144
Type Solo
Starts with Madern
Starts at Northern Pinnath Gelin
Start Region Pinnath Gelin
Map Ref [56.1S, 85.4W]
Quest Group Pinnath Gelin
Quest Text

Bestowal Dialogue

'I have marked out three fishing spots down by the lakeshore:

'The fish at the lone banner are eager to bite but are worth only one point.

'The fish at the spot marked by two banners are a bit more shy but are worth two points apiece.

'The fish at the spot marked by three banners are not so easily persuaded to take any sort of bait, but a fish caught there is worth three points!

'You goal is to catch five points' worth of fish in three minutes. How will you fare, I wonder?'


You have happened upon a farmer who is offering prizes for completing fishing challenges.

Objective 1

  • Earn points (0/5)
  • Before time expires

The farmer Madern hosts a fishing contest on the western bank of Nen Eilen.

'The fish at the lone banner are eager to bite but are worth only one point.
'The fish at the spot marked by two banners are a bit more shy but are worth two points apiece.
'The fish at the spot marked by three banners are not so easily persuaded to take any sort of bait, but a fish caught there is worth three points!

Catch five points worth of fish in three minutes.

Objective 2

You have caught enough points' worth of fish within the time limit.

Talk to Madern on the road between the farm, Wetcroft, and the western bank of Nen Eilen.

Madern: 'Brilliantly done! I watched your performance from here.
'I have but one challenge left to offer you, should you have the courage to face it.'