Quest:Orcs in Fangorn II

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Orcs in Fangorn II
Level 82
Type Solo
Starts with Defeat an orc
Starts at White Hand Encampment
Start Region Eaves of Fangorn
Map Ref [39.0S, 70.1W]
Quest Group Eaves of Fangorn
Quest Text

Bestowal dialogue

The Huorn wants nothing more than to crush the strong packs of Orcs at their encampment in Fangorn.

With your efforts combined, the Orcs will stand no chance against you.


The Orcs have gathered in great numbers at the White Hand encampment in Fangorn, but with the assistance of a vengeful Huorn, they stand no chance.

Objective 1

  • Defeat Orcs at the White Hand encampment with the Huorn's help (0/12)

Orcs are at the White Hand Encampment at the north-east edge of Fangorn's eaves.

You should crush the Orcs with the help of the vengeful Huorn who has begun to follow your lead.

Objective 2

  • Completed

You have defeated many Orcs in a tough little encampment at the edge of Fangorn's eaves.

You have defeated many Orcs in a tough little encampment at the edge of Fangorn's eaves.