Quest:Newfound Freedom

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Newfound Freedom
Level 147
Type Solo
Starts with Beliash
Starts at Rakhatâb
Start Region Cape of Umbar
Map Ref [26.2S, 115.3W]
Quest Group Cape of Umbar
Quest Text

Bestowal dialogue

'Only a few months freed and already the yoke begins to feel heavy again. Yes, we are free, but the overseer does her best to make certain that we have little of comfort, and no time to enjoy our freedom. The workers suffer for her ill-treatment. Some are being starved, and all are dispirited!

'I managed to get some extra food, and I have a few coins to spare. Could you see that the food is delivered to those that are hungry, and use the money to cheer up those who appear crestfallen?'


Beliash ensures the fair treatment of the workers at Rakhatâb. He asked you to deliver some extra food to hungry workers and to raise the spirits of dispirited workers in the fort.

Objective 1

  • Feed hungry workers (0/5)
  • Cheer up dispirited workers (0/5)

Make your way through the fort to feed the hungry workers and spread coin to those who have become dispirited with the work and schedules they must maintain.

Workers encouraged in Rakhatâb (10/10)

Objective 2

  • Tell Beliash you did as he asked

Your work is done. Head back to Beliash in Rakhatâb and let him know what you have done.

Beliash: 'Food in their bellies and bolstered spirits. It may seem a small thing, but it is a sliver of hope.
'Thank you, <name>. They are good, hard workers. They just are pushed too hard. Once we get through these lean times, I know things will get better. They have to get better.'