Quest:Loosen their Shackles

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Loosen their Shackles
Level 117
Type Solo
Starts with Yólkhon
Starts at Utterby
Start Region Iron Hills
Map Ref [25.5N, 14.3W]
Quest Group Infiltrating Er Shamol
Quest Text

Bestowal dialogue

'You, Chayasír. Get those laggards back to work. I do not care how, whip them if you must! The dwarves will be upon us any day and we must be prepared!'


The Jangovar are working the other Easterlings to the bone.

Objective 1

You should talk to Tuhâl, who can be found in Utterby.

Tuhâl: Tuhâl is visibly upset by the Jangovar's words.
'How can they treat us this way? Because we are not Jangovar, we are dogs to them? I have an idea, <name>. While it will appear that we are ordering them back to work, we will secretly loosen their shackles. We will tell them to flee the village when they can, before the dwarves attack. It is the only way. We must be sneaky about this, or it will surely be our heads.'

Objective 2

Shackled Easterlings can be found inside Utterby.

You should secretly loosen the shackles of these Easterlings.

Breaking shackles ...
Shackled Refugee says, "Thank you, stranger. I will slip out when I can."
Shackled Refugee says, "I will escape when no one is looking. Thank you!"
Threatened' shackled Easterlings (6/6)

Objective 3

You should talk to Yólkhon, can be found inside Utterby.

Yólkhon: 'You are full of surprises, Chayasír! I have never seen these dogs work so hard! Perhaps your kind are not so useless after all.'