Quest:Iron in the Hills

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Iron in the Hills
Level 116
Type Solo
Starts with Rust-pocked Deposit
Starts at Iron Hills
Ends with Foreman Brumbur
Ends at Járnfast
End Region Iron Hills
Map Ref [28.4N, 3.6W]
Quest Group Iron Hills Landscape
Quest Text

Bestowal dialogue

While exploring the Ironfold, you have discovered a peculiar deposit. It glimmers with a hint of iron, but it bears many pocks of rust. Perhaps this could be of use to the Dwarves of Járnfast while they work to unearth the collapsed tunnels of their mines.

You should collect some crude rust-stone ore and deliver it to Foreman Brumbur in Járnfast.


The Eymn Engrin, the Iron Hills, are worthy of their name, and there is iron to be found in even the most unexpected of places.

Objective 1

Rust-pocked deposits can be found throughout the Ironfold.

You have discovered an unfamiliar deposit in the Iron Hills. You should mine the deposit and deliver the ore you collect to the Dwarves of Járnfast.

RUST-POCKED DEPOSIT "A deposit of rust-pocked ore."
Mining ...
CHUNK OF CRUDE RUST-STONE ORE "A chunk of crude rust-stone that is of questionable use to the Dwarves of the Ironfold."
Collected chunks of ore from rust-pocked deposits (10/10)

Objective 2

Foreman Brumbur can be found among the ruined mines of Járnfast.

You have gathered a substantial amount of crude ore and should now deliver it to Foreman Brumbur in Járnfast.

Forman Brumbur: 'What is this?
'Rust-pock, you say? I have never known an ore by that name. Is that the name you have given it?
'It looks to be a very crude deposit, and much of it is not good stone. Ah, but I can see hints of iron within it! It may be of use to us after all!
'Thank you for delivering this to me, <name>.'