Quest:Instance: The Last Great Stronghold

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Instance: The Last Great Stronghold
Level 93
Type Solo
Starts at The Deeping-coomb
Ends with Éomer
End Region Westfold
Map Ref [57.5S, 85.5W]
Quest Group Westfold
Quest Chain Helm's Deep
Quest Text

The Last Great Stronghold
"Théoden's company parted from Gandalf upon the road and retreated to Helm's Deep. What news could have reached them that turned them from their path?"


After a lengthy discussion about the crisis in the Westfold, Éomer recounts a troubling encounter upon the road that changed the king's course.

Objective 1

Théoden and his company are at the head of the line of horsemen in the Westfold.

You should observe this memory of Éomer's by approaching Théoden.

Éomer's memory describes Théoden's encounter with a man the company met on the road....

Objective 2

  • Listen to Ceorl's address to the company

Ceorl had much to say of the events at the Fords of Isen.

You should listen to Ceorl's address to the company.

Ceorl says, "Does Éomer ride with you?"
Ceorl says, "At last you come, but too late. Alas! You bring too little strength."
Ceorl says, "All has gone evilly since Théodred fell. Yesterday we lost the Isen, and many good men with it."

Objective 3

  • Hear what Céorl has to say

Ceorl had much to say of the events at the Fords of Isen.

You should listen to Ceorl's address to the company.

Ceorl: Éomer's memory of the man's troubling words continues....
'At night fresh forces of the enemy came over the river against our encampment. All Isengard must be empty now, and Saruman has armed the hill-men and herd-folk of Dunland, and these he also loosed on us.
'We were overpowered. The shield-wall is broken. Erkenbrand has drawn off those men he could gather, but the rest are scattered. We know nothing of Erkenbrand, or Grimbold, or Elfhelm!'

Objective 4

  • Listen to Ceorl and the King

Ceorl had much to say of the events at the Fords of Isen.

You should listen to Ceorl's address to the company.

Ceorl says, "Please, where is Éomer?"
Ceorl says, "Tell him that no hope lies ahead."
Ceorl says, "He should turn back to Edoras, before the warriors of Isengard come there."
King Théoden says, "Come, Ceorl, and stand before me! I am here."
King Théoden says, "The last host of Eorlingas rides forth, and it shall not return without battle."
Ceorl says, "Command me, my king!"
Ceorl says, "And pray pardon me! I thought --"
King Théoden says, "You thought I remained in Meduseld, hunched like an old tree beneath winter snow."
King Théoden says, "So it was when you went to war. But a wind from the west has shaken the boughs...."
King Théoden says, "Come, Ceorl, and despair no longer! Let us ride to Erkenbrand's aid!"
Gandalf says, "No, Théoden! You must ride at once to Helm's Deep!"
Gandalf says, "Do not go to the Fords of Isen, and tarry not on the plain!"
Gandalf says, "I must leave -- Shadowfax must bear me on a swift errand."
Gandalf says, "Aragorn, Éomer: Keep well the Lord of the Mark, until I return."
Gandalf says, "Wait for me at Helm's Gate! Farewell!"
Guard says, "What could that mean?"
Háma says, "I suspect it means that Gandalf Grayhame has need of haste. Ever he comes and goes unlooked-for."
Guard says, "If Wormtongue were here, he would not find it hard to explain."
Háma says, "I suppose that is true...but for myself, I shall wait until we see Gandalf again."
Guard says, "Perhaps you will wait long...."
Éomer: Éomer's tale is done. You should now return your thoughts to the men gathered at Helm's Gate, waiting for Gandalf and hoping that Erkenbrand will return soon.