Quest:Instance: Lair of the Beast

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Instance: Lair of the Beast
Level 149
Type Solo
Starts with Cruel Dancer
Starts at Aradâr
Start Region Umbar Baharbêl
Map Ref [24.1S, 95.9W]
Quest Group The Song of Waves and Wind: Chapter 6
Reflecting Pool Umbar Reflecting Pool
Quest Text

Bestowal Dialogue

Lair of the Beast
"Two ships are docked in this hidden harbour. Are their captains, my targets, to be found within?"


You have found the hidden harbour used by two members of the Kindred of the Coins, and hope to rescue the hostages contained within.

Objective 1

Cruel Dancer has come with you to the hidden harbour.

Cruel Dancer: 'You should follow the walkway to the west and investigate the first of the ships docked within this hidden harbour. I will circle around and come to it from the water, so we will have the advantage of surprise upon any members of the Kindred onboard the ship.'

Objective 2

  • Board the nearest ship to the west in the hidden harbour

The nearest of the ships you should investigate is to the west.

The deck of the ship is free of enemies

Objective 3

  • Wait for Cruel Dancer to join you aboard the ship

You have boarded the first ship and should wait for Cruel Dancer to join you.

Objective 4

  • Talk to Cruel Dancer aboard the ship

Cruel Dancer stands aboard the deck of one of the ships moored within the hidden harbour.

Cruel Dancer: 'I hear folk inside the ship, and even now we have attracted their notice. They approach from within.
'I will search below deck while you keep them busy up here.'

Objective 5

  • Defeat the Corsair defenders aboard the ship while Cruel Dancer searches below deck

Corsairs loyal to the Kindred of the Coins have learned of your presence in the hidden harbour!

Cruel Dancer emerges from below deck

Objective 6

  • Talk to Cruel Dancer aboard the first ship in the hidden harbour

Cruel Dancer has returned from her search of the first ship's interior.

Cruel Dancer: 'There were no prisoners within this ship, <name>. If your mission is to succeed, and if I am to claim the bounties I seek, we must hope the prisoners and their captors are aboard the second of the ships docked within this harbour.
'Follow the walkways to the second ship. I will approach that vessel by water as I did this one, and maintain the element of surprise.'

Objective 7

  • Follow the walkways to the second ship moored within the hidden harbour

Having found no one within the first ship, Cruel Dancer believes the hostages you seek may be aboard the second ship moored within the hidden harbour.

You have found Corudan aboard the second ship, and he is still alive!

Objective 8

  • Talk to Corudan aboard the second ship moored within the hidden harbour

Corudan is a captive aboard the second ship, but he is still alive.

Corudan: '<name>... is that you? I cannot believe it!
'But you must be careful! I hear Tatháta coming back!'

Objective 9

  • Wait for the ship's captain to arrive

Wait for the captain of the ship to arrive.

Someone emerges from below deck: the ship's captain
Tatháta the Beast says, "I thought I heard someone up here."
Tatháta the Beast says: "Who are you talking to, Nestinanessornë?"

Objective 10

Tatháta the Beast stands upon the deck of her ship.

Tatháta the Beast: 'Who are you to stand so boldly upon the deck of my ship? There are few indeed who would dare such a thing, for I have sent most of those to watery graves.
'<name>? I have heard this name before now; Nakási has spoken of you to me. I am surprised you are still alive. Were she still here, instead of in the Citadel of Winds with the hostage from Pinnath Gelin, she would no doubt skin you alive. She will be disappointed to learn she missed you.
'But why are you here? You cannot have come all the way to Umbar Baharbêl to take Nestinanessornë from us. It amused Nakási to take him aboard our ships, but he says little enough to us, and when he does speak his talk is mostly nonsense and riddles. The lions like him, which has kept him alive this long, but if they should get hungry I believe they will like him both less and more.'
Tatháta smiles languidly.
'I can speak in riddles too, you see?'
Cruel Dancer arrives aboard the second ship

Objective 11

  • Witness the confrontation between Cruel Dancer and Tatháta the Beast

Cruel Dancer engages Tatháta the Beast in conversation aboard the second ship moored within the hidden harbour.

Cruel Dancer says, "Tatháta!"
Cruel Dancer says, "I have come to claim the bounty on your head!!"
Tatháta the Beast says, "So this is not about rescuing your friends after all, <name>?"
Tatháta the Beast says, "I see what sort you are."
Cruel Dancer says, "We are those who get what we want, Tatháta!"
Tatháta the Beast says, "I do not think so, this time."
Tatháta the Beast says, "More dangerous foes than you have hunted me before."
Tatháta the Beast says, "Awaken, my crew! Slay these foolish ones!"

Objective 12

  • Defeat Tatháta and her crew

The conversation has become a violent conflict!

Cruel Dancer says, "She's getting away!"
Cruel Dancer says, "I will follow her! You save your friend!"

Objective 13

  • Talk to Corudan aboard the second ship moored within the hidden harbour

Cruel Dancer has chased after Tatháta the Beast, but your priority must be to rescue Corudan.

Corudan: 'I still cannot believe you came to rescue me, <name>... are our friends here too?'
You tell Corudan that you will recount your adventures to him just as soon as you untie him and bring him safely from Tatháta's hidden harbour. With a grin, you say that Sigileth will be very pleased to see him alive and unharmed. He blinks at you with surprise.
Corudan says, "Wait... what? My sister is alive?"
Instance: Lair of the Beast