Quest:Instance: Kindred Spirits

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Instance: Kindred Spirits
Level 140
Type Solo
Starts with Abandoned Homes in Linhir
Starts at Linhir
Start Region Lower Lebennin (King's Gondor)
Map Ref [81.6S, 45.4W]
Quest Group The Song of Waves and Wind: Chapter 1
Reflecting Pool King's Gondor East Reflecting Pool
Quest Text

Bestowal Dialogue

Kindred Spirits
"You there! You're the friend of whom Maethon spoke?"


You have infiltrated a meeting of supporters of the Heirs of Castamir, and should learn what you can of their operation and their plans to undermine the rule of King Elessar.

Objective 1

A supporter of Castamir stands inside an abandoned home and bars your passage.

Castamir Supporter: 'Maethon vouches for you, but you had better be on your finest behaviour while you are with us, <name>. If you put a single toe out of line you will wish you hadn't.
'Praise the memory of Castamir, and all his heirs.'

Objective 2

Maethon is somewhere within the abandoned homes taken over by supporters of the Heirs of Castamir.

Castamir Supporter says, "I hope Maethon is right that you can be trusted."
As you approach, the Castamir supporters fall quiet
Maethon excitedly waves you over
Maethon says, "<name>!"

Objective 3

  • Talk to Maethon

Maethon is within one of the abandoned homes of Linhir now used by supporters of the Heirs of Castamir.

Maethon: You found the right place! I am delighted for you to join us, my friend. To have another member of Elessar's court among our number seems almost too great a gift to be believed, but I will not turn it down!
'The meeting is soon to begin.'

Objective 4

  • Follow Maethon downstairs

Maethon is within one of the abandoned homes of Linhir now used by supporters of the Heirs of Castamir.

Maethon says, "Follow me, please. The meeting will be held downstairs."
Maethon says, "You should introduce yourself to my friends before we begin."

Objective 5

  • Introduce yourself to Castamir Supporters in the cellar of the abandoned home (0/3)

Maethon asked you to introduce yourself to some of the supporters of Castamir in the cellar of the abandoned home.

Maethon: 'Introduce yourself to my friends, <name>, and then we will begin.'
Laegnir: 'Is it true you are close to the King? That will be useful indeed.'
You tell him that Maethon mentioned another member of Elessar's court is a supporter of the Heirs of Castamir. He studies you carefully.
'Aye. But you have yet to earn my trust, and until you do I will speak no more of those who should remain secret, for now. It should bring you joy to hear that the King is not as safe as he believes himself to be, and we may soon have the victory we seek.'
Hebeth: 'Do not think you are one of us just because Maethon invited you to this meeting, <name>. You have not yet proven yourself to me.
'I spoke with a gossipmonger in town who says that King Elessar has already departed Minas Tirith, and he travels this way! Perhaps you will soon have a chance to prove yourself to me after all.'
Trastadir: 'I have nothing to say to you. Count yourself fortunate I do not cut you down where you stand. You may have deceived Maethon, but I am not fooled by this part you play, <race>.'

Objective 6

  • Talk to Maethon

Maethon is in the cellar of an abandoned home in Linhir.

Maethon: 'Ah, do not trouble yourself overmuch. They will warm up to you when they learn how useful you will be to us.
'I hope Elessar has enjoyed his kingship, for it nears its end!'

Objective 7

  • Observe the meeting of the Castamir supporters

Supporters of the Heirs of Castamir secretly meet in a cellar in Linhir.

Maethon says, "Welcome, all, to this gathering of our folk."
Maethon says, "Praise the memory of Castamir, and all his heirs!"
Trastradir says, "Praise the Heirs of Castamir!"
Hebeth says, "Praise the Heirs of Castamir!"
Laegnir says, "Praise the Heirs of Castamir!"
Maethon says, "Ah, here is Aithil. Welcome, welcome!"
Maethon says, "We have some new faces here today!"
Maethon says, "Who are your guests, Aithil? Do they wish to join our ranks?"
Aithil says, "I present to you Tumúldo Fierce-water and his wife, Nakási Wave-reaper."
Aithil says, "They bring tidings to us from Umbar!"
Tumúldo Fierce-water says, "We do."
Tumúldo Fierce-water says, "But who is this one who stands among you?"
Tumúldo Fierce-water says, "Do the Heirs of Castamir now ally with such as they?"

Objective 8

Tumúldo Fierce-water, emissary from Umbar, is interested to speak with you.

Tumúldo Fierce-water: 'It is said that when Balakhôr the Scourge met his end, it was at the hands of Dead Men that he met it. They say it was the King Elessar who commanded the killing blow, but others stood nearby: an Elf... a dwarf... a hero who bore the name <name>.
'I had no love for Balakhôr, <name>. Nakási and I preyed upon the ships he sent forth from Umbar before he came to power, but afterward, when we did not cease our roguery, he took one hand from each of us. They were ours to keep, and so we did, though we replaced them with these made of metal.'
Tumúldo raises his left hand, and it shines in the dim light of the cellar.
'The hands he cut from us were preserved, and now they decorate the cabin of our ship, each forever clasping the other, a sign of our love... and also of our desire for vengeance. Your part in the death of Balakhôr has robbed us of that vengeance.'

Objective 9

  • Observe the meeting of the Castamir supporters and the emissaries from Umbar

Supporters of the Heirs of Castamir secretly meet in a cellar in Linhir.

Trastadir says, "You were there when Balakhôr was slain?"
Trastadir says, "I knew this worm could not be trusted!"
Maethon says, "Trastadir, be silent!"
Maethon says, "What news do you bring from Umbar, Tumúldo?"
Maethon says, "Does Balakhôr's family ready an assault upon Gondor?"
Tumúldo Fierce-water says, "They do not."
Maethon says, "What? Why?"
Tumúldo Fierce-water says, "The Heirs of Castamir no longer control Umbar. They have been overthrown."
Aithil says, "How can this be?"
Maethon says, "This is a poor jest! Who thinks to supplant the Heirs of Castamir?"
Nakási Wave-reaper says, "The Kindred of the Coins has made Umbar a Free City!"
Nakási Wave-reaper says, "Stand against them and they will free your head from your shoulders!"
Tumúldo Fierce-water says "Nakási."
Tumúldo Fierce-water says, "But my wife speaks truth to you."
Tumúldo Fierce-water says, "A new power rules in Umbar. If you aid this power, you may be spared."
Tumúldo Fierce-water says, "If not..."
Trastadir says, "I have heard enough!"
Trastadir says, "The Heirs of Castamir will not submit to more foreign rulers!"
Maethon says, "Who... who leads this Kindred of the Coins?"
Tumúldo Fierce-water says, "Seven there are who lead it, but they speak with the people's voice."
Tumúldo Fierce-water says, "And the people hold little love for Gondor in their hearts."
Tumúldo Fierce-water says, "We will give you time to think about our offer."
Nakási Wave-reaper says, "Do not think overlong. The Sea Shadow grants mercy but rarely."
Tumúldo Fierce-water says, "Nakási, my love."
Tumúldo Fierce-water says, "Again she speaks truth. Still, your choice is your own."

Objective 10

  • Talk to Maethon

Maethon is in the cellar of an abandoned home in Linhir.

Maethon: 'I don't understand how this could have happened! We heard no word from the Heirs of Castamir who remained in Umbar, but I believed they would send messages as soon as they could. From where sprang this Kindred of the Coins, and how could they so easily overthrow our folk? The Heirs of Castamir were so established in the city... I cannot understand it...
'What has become of Sakalphêl, the widow of Balakhôr, or of Balakhâd his son? What are we now to do?'

Objective 11

  • Observe the meeting of the Castamir supporters and the emissaries from Umbar

Supporters of the Heirs of Castamir secretly meet in a cellar in Linhir.

Maethon says, "Aithil, why did you bring them to us?"
Aithil says, "You saw their manner of dress! I thought they were smugglers, or Corsairs!"
Aithil says, "How was I to know they serve another master?"
Maethon says, "The Kindred of the Coins..."

Objective 12

Talk to Maethon

Maethon is in the cellar of an abandoned home in Linhir.

Maethon: 'We have friends across the kingdom, hidden in plain sight. If we can rally the people of Gondor to our side....
'Aye, it could be done, <name>. The folk of Gondor do not wish to be ruled by Elessar and his Elf-queen; nor do they wish to be made subservient to Umbar! If the Kindred of the Coins thinks to challenge us for the rule of Gondor once our plans bear fruit and King Elessar is slain, perhaps they will find we are not so easily conquered. I have to believe this is the way it will be.'
A scream of anger from upstairs breaks the stillness!

Objective 13

  • Follow Maethon upstairs and learn what has happened

Something has happened upstairs!

Maethon says, "What was that? Follow me!"
Maethon says, "Oh no..."

Objective 14

  • Examine Tumúldo Fierce-water

Tumúldo Fierce-water has been grievously wounded, a deadly blade buried in his back.

Tumúldo Fierce-water: Tumúldo Fierce-water lies on the cold stone floor in a pool of his own blood, a Gondorian blade buried in his back. His wife Nakási kneels by him, her eyes burning with fury and with unshed tears.

Objective 15

  • Hear what transpired

Tumúldo Fierce-water lies dying, attacked by the supporters of Castamir.

Maethon says, "Trastadir, what have you done?"
Trastadir says, "I planted my sword in his back, and I would do it again!"
Trastadir says, "So end all who threaten the Heirs of Castamir!"
Maethon says, "They were guests! They were under our protection!"
Nakási Wave-reaper says, "Who now will protect you from me?"
Nakási Wave-reaper says, "This one?"

Objective 16

Nakási Wave-reaper desires vengeance upon the Heirs of Castamir, and has challenged you to stand with her against them.

Nakási: 'No, there is something about you that is different. You are not with this rabble, even as they seek to court you. Tumúldo and I know well that achieving a goal can at times mean you must ally with your enemies.
'Are you willing to die with these folk? Or will you stand with me to repay their treachery? The next one they stab in the back might be you, or it might be a friend, or it might be a lover. Tumúldo was all of these to me.'

Objective 17

  • Fight alongside Nakási against the Castamir supporters

Nakási Wave-reaper desires vengeance upon the Heirs of Castamir, and has challenged you to stand with her against them.

Trastadir says, "They are both our enemies, Maethon! They must die!"
Maethon says, "Trastadir has paid! No one else must die!"
Maethon says, "Please! Please have mercy!"
Maethon says, "Why will you not speak? Why do you say nothing?"
Maethon says, "You will die for this! Castamir guide my sword!"
Tumúldo stirs. He is alive, but has only moments

Objective 18

  • Hear the final words of Tumúldo Fierce-water

Tumúldo Fierce-water is on the very precipice of death.

Tumúldo Fierce-water: 'Nakási, my love... you were right...
'Gondor... must die...
'The Song...'
Nakási: 'None of these vermin remain alive in this place, Tumúldo. You are avenged upon them.'
Nakási turns her eyes to you.
'Let us leave this place. Go ahead of me; I will carry the body of my husband. He deserves to rest forever in the Sea, and not in these vile houses of stone.'