Quest:Gardening for Granny

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Gardening for Granny
Level 20
Type Solo
Starts with Morna 'Old Mother' Goldworthy
Starts at Tighfield
Start Region The Yondershire
Map Ref [27.4S, 81.6W]
Quest Group Yondershire
Quest Text

Bestowal dialogue

'You! I'm old and tired, so come help me with this farm work. My family and I usually do the chores together, but they're all busy what with all the tumult to the south. Why am I telling you this? You wouldn't care.'

Before you can tell her whether you do or do not care about her story, she pushes on.

'First pick some berries. The juiciest ones are low to the ground and it's hard for me to reach them. Do I look like I'm still a tween? Don't answer that.

'Second, inspect the beans for any sign of blight or disease. If you spot any discolouration on the underside of the leaves, it's no good!

'Lastly, and most importantly, cull some of the pests in the field. Are they dangerous? Pah! Not even a little, but they're nuisances. I swat at least a dozen a day! They're gross and squishy though and I'm tired of cleaning the gunk off my favourite shovel. You do it.'


Morna "Old Mother" Goldworthy could use some help around the garden.

Objective 1

  • Defeat garden pests (0/5)
  • Check on beans (0/8)
  • Pick delicious berries (0/4)

Help Morna "Old Mother" Goldworthy tend to the garden.

Objective 2

  • Talk to Morna 'Old Mother' Goldworthy

Morna "Old Mother" Goldworthy can be found in the heights of Tighfield in the southern part of town.

Talk to Morna.

Morna 'Old Mother' Goldworthy: 'Oh it's so nice to have help with the chores again, even if it's only for a day.
'Here, some coin and some bug gunk I've been saving. I was going to use it to prank my family for leaving me to tend the farm by my lonesome but perhaps it could be useful to you.'