Quest:Forstóri's Line

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Forstóri's Line
Level 138
Type Solo
Starts with Gerja Defthand
Starts at Bazanmanar
Start Region Clovengap
Map Ref [36.9S, 120.3W]
Ends with Gerja Defthand
Ends at Bazanmanar
End Region Clovengap
Map Ref [36.9S, 120.3W]
Quest Group Gundabad: Clovengap
Quest Text

Bestowal Dialogue

'Across the river Kurdushâlak, tucked into the curve of the gap's walls, is Garânashmar, the ancient homestead of Forstóri's Line. Forstóri and his kin were the caretakers of Clovengap in ancient days. The markets they oversaw brought them wealth, some of which they invested back into the improvement and upkeep of the gap. Some of their gold went to the building of Garânashmar. An estate that housed their families and friends, and which served as sentinel over the river and cavern.

'Cross the river and explore Garânashmar, that we may add its location to our map.'


Garânashmar, the ancient homestead of Forstóri's Line, has been overrun by Angmarim.

Objective 1

Garânashmar perches above Kurdushâlak, in northwestern Clovengap.

Gerja has asked you to investigate Garânashmar.

COIN PILE: "A pile of old coins."
You found a pile of old coins!

Objective 2

  • Collect old coins (0/12)

Angmarim intruders can be found in Garânashmar.

While investigating Garânashmar you found some old coins. Their features are worn down by time, but perhaps you could find others with clearer markings.

Collected old coins (12/12)

Objective 3

Gerja is in Bazanmanar in northeastern Clovengap.

You should bring the old coins to Gerja.

Gerja Defthand: 'What have you found?'