Quest:Eliminating the Noise-makers

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Eliminating the Noise-makers
Level 76
Type Solo
Starts with A Wold Marsh-fly
Starts at The Wold
Ends with Céolstan
Ends at Harwick Stables
End Region The Wold
Map Ref [38.5S, 52.5W]
Quest Group The Wold
Quest Text

Bestowal dialogue

Marsh-flies infest the bogs around Harwick, making noise that disturbs the war-steeds. The eccentric guard of the stables spoils his steeds, and wishes for the noise to be silenced.


Marsh-flies infest the bogs around Harwick, making noise that disturbs the war-steeds. The eccentric guard of the stables spoils his steeds, and wishes for the noise to be silenced.

Objective 1

The bog to the west of Harwick is inhabited by a swarm of Marsh-flies.

You should defeat marsh-flies for disturbing the sensitive ears of the pampered steeds in Harwick's stables.

Objective 2

Céolstan awaits your return inside of the stable-gates in Harwick.

You should inform Céolstan that his horses may now sleep easier, for you have silenced the noise-makers that disturbed their rest.

Céolstan: 'You were very good to silence the noise-makers, <name>. The horses would surely thank you, if they could speak our tongue, but my thanks will have to do!'