Quest:Calling for Help

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Calling for Help
Level 71
Type Solo
Starts with Melvun
Starts at Barnavon Mine
Start Region Dunland
Map Ref [84.8S, 14.5W]
Ends with Gwilum
Ends at Barnavon
End Region Dunland
Map Ref [84.7S, 16.3W]
Quest Group Dunland: Carreglyn
Quest Text

Bestowal dialogue

'<name>, your efforts have gone a long way towards securing the mine, but so many of the workers have been left wounded or dead that we will not be able to continue our work. If we do not work, it will go poorly for our families.

'Our Ox-clan overseers have no pity upon the People of the Boar...they care only that we collect iron for Saruman of Many Colours. Will you go to Gwilum at Barnavon and ask for more workers? He is one of the few of the Uch-lûth who has compassion upon my people.'


The incident with the bugan at the Barnavon Mine has left the mine with a shortage of healthy workers.

Objective 1

Gwilum is at Barnavon-town, far to the west of the Barnavon Mine.

Melvun asked you to go to Gwilum and ask for replacement workers.

Gwilum: 'The mine was overrun by bugan, and many workers were hurt or killed? I did not at all expect this.
'Melvun is right...if Prudwen Brehur learns that the miners are falling behind, things will indeed go ill for the Turch-lûth.
'We will have to mend the situation, you and I.'