Quest:Breaking the Cycle

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Breaking the Cycle
Level 142
Type Solo
Starts with Dolvir
Start Region Belfalas (King's Gondor)
Map Ref [79.2S, 68.8W]
Ends with Dolvir
End Region Belfalas (King's Gondor)
Map Ref [79.2S, 68.8W]
Quest Group The Havens of Belfalas (King's Gondor)
Quest Text

Bestowal Dialogue

'Some of the Corsairs who have flocked to Abedec's Watch seek safety rather than a cause to continue fighting. If you find any Corsairs who seem hesitant to draw their weapons, please convince them to find me. I promise to help them find peace in Gondor, or a safe voyage home to Umbar.'


Not all of the Corsairs in Abedec's Watch are willing to continue fighting.

Objective 1

Dolvir has asked you to convince war-weary Corsairs to seek him out for help.

You can find weary Corsairs in Abedec's Watch in the south-west corner of Belfalas.

An injured Dolvir catches your attention

Objective 2

  • Talk to Dolvir outside Abedec's Watch

You have successfully convinced many weary Corsairs to leave Abadec's Watch.

Dolvir waits for you amongst the trees to the north of the camp. You should talk to him.

Dolvir: 'Thank you for helping me convince them, <name>. I hope we can put the days of war behind us, for the sake of both of our peoples.'