Quest:Beetles Among the Vines

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Beetles Among the Vines
Level 144
Type Solo
Starts with Lúmar
Starts at Ost Arndír
Start Region Pinnath Gelin
Map Ref [52.7S, 83.8W]
Ends with Nordach
Ends at Winbury
End Region Pinnath Gelin
Map Ref [51.7S, 80.9W]
Quest Group Pinnath Gelin
Quest Text

Bestowal Dialogue

'I must stay here to receive reports from the rest of my scouts. We are working hard alongside the Knights to ensure that the king's visit is untroubled. Will you go east to Winbury and speak with Nordach? He may have seen or spoken with Igerna!'


The vineyards of Pinnath Gelin are renowned for producing the finest wines and spirits. One of this year's delicate crops is playing host to a most unwelcome guest.

Objective 1

Lúmar has asked you to search for signs of Igerna and speak to Nordach at Winbury.

Winbury is in northern Pinnath Gelin.

Nordach: 'Stay where you are! We don't need any more trouble here!'
You assure Nordach that you're here to help and tell him that Lúmar sent you.
'He must be looking for Igerna, eh? She's not here, and I wish she was. My fields have been infiltrated by enormous beetles! They are eating up my precious grapes. You get rid of them for me and I'll tell you what I know about Igerna.'

Objective 2

  • Defeat beetles (0/10)

Nordach seems to know where Igerna is, but won't share the information until you have helped clear his vineyards of an infestation of beetles.

You should defeat beetles at Winbury, in northern Pinnath Gelin.

Objective 3

  • Return to Nordach

You should let Nordach know that you have helped to clear the Winbury vineyards of beetles.

Nordach is at Winbury.

Nordach: 'Thank goodness you came when you did! My harvest would have been devastated for the entire year, otherwise!
'Right, I can breathe now and give you the answer you're looking for.'