Quest:Beasts of the Upper Reaches

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Beasts of the Upper Reaches
Level 131
Type Solo
Starts with Hetbrúda
Starts at Maergrind, the Noble Gate
Start Region Máttugard
Map Ref [49.4S, 112.1W]
Ends with Hetbrúda
End Region Máttugard
Map Ref [49.9S, 112.4W]
Quest Group Gundabad: Máttugard
Quest Text

Bestowal Dialogue

'Say now, you look to be the adventuring sort! My name is Hetbrúda and it is good to meet you. Does adventure and excitement bring you to Gundabad as well? It is not every day that you get to explore such a large dwarf-city as this one!

'Of course I would like to see the Mountain-home restored. What dwarf would not? But it is something different that draws me here, for I wish to be the first to explore the parts of Gundabad lost to memory! Let me be the first to defeat those who stand in the way of our rightful place in this city.

'What do you say, adventurer? Would you like to accompany me on an expedition through Máttugard? The first place I was planning to explore is called Búshatap. I can see the cavern from here and it looks to be filled with bats. Sounds perfect for exploring!'


Hetbrúda, a daring Longbeard, wishes to make a name for herself in Gundabad.

Objective 1

Búshatap can be found in Máttugard, south of Maergrind.

You should travel to Búshatap.

More than just a home for bats, Búshatap is a training ground for goblin bat-riders!

Objective 2

  • Defeat Gundabad bat-riders at Búshatap (0/6)
  • Defeat Gundabad bat-trainers at Búshatap (0/4)
  • Destroy bat saddles (0/6)

Goblin bat-riders and bat-trainers can be found at Búshatap in Máttugard.

You should defeat the goblins at Búshatap and destroy their training supplies.

Objective 3

Beastly sounds can be heard at Khorroz in Máttugard.

You should explore Khorroz.

Objective 4

Beastly sounds can be heard at Khorroz in Máttugard.

You should explore Khorroz.

The ancient hall of Khorroz is overrun with terrifying cave-beasts!

Objective 5

  • Defeat cave-beasts at Khorroz (0/10)
  • Examine bat corpses at Khorroz (0/2)
  • Examine Orc corpses at Khorroz (0/2)

Cave-beasts can be found at Khorroz in Máttugard.

You should defeat cave-beasts and explore their domain.

Objective 6

  • Talk to Hetbrúda near Búshatap

Hetbrúda can be found near Búshatap in Máttugard.

You should talk to Hetbrúda.

Hetbrúda: 'Well, that was exciting. I did not expect to dismantle a goblin training area here in Máttugard! These beasts seem to be a problem, however. It may be a while before Khorroz is again safe for dwarves.'