Quest:Barad Rill Runs Dark

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Barad Rill Runs Dark
Level 141
Type Solo
Starts with Garvir
Starts at Barad Rill
Start Region Dor-en-Ernil (King's Gondor)
Map Ref [85.8S, 50.4W]
Ends with Herion
Ends at Parth Rest
End Region Dor-en-Ernil (King's Gondor)
Map Ref [80.3S, 51.0W]
Quest Group Dor-en-Ernil (King's Gondor)
Quest Text

Bestowal Dialogue

'Now that the war is over, I have been meaning to return here to see that the lighthouse be rebuilt.

'It was vital in our efforts to rout Corsairs on approach. Dolgimil is no more.

'We must reclaim this beacon once more so that it may once again serve the Bay of Belfalas, but work has halted. The workers are frightened. Rumours abound of unsightly apparitions in the ruins of Gaerlond, to the north-east.

'They dare not resume their work until that place is cleansed. Would you aid me once more, <name>?'


The efforts to rebuild the lighthouse have been hindered by the hauntings at Gaerlond.

Gaerlond can be found to the north-east.

Objective 1

Garvir has asked you to assist in the cleansing of Gaerlond to the north-east.

Fell creatures have been sighted and are scaring the workers.

Objective 2

You should report your success at Gaerlond to Garvir.

Garvir can be found at Barad Rill.

Garvir: 'It is good to have you back, <name>!
'Now that things have settled down at Gaerlond, there is no doubt the workers will return and resume the effort.
'Thank you for aiding me.
'I received word from Herion that he needs your help. You should return to Parth Rest and see what he has to say.'

Objective 3

Garvir told you that Herion once again needs your help. You should talk to Herion at Parth Rest.

Parth Rest can be found to the north.

Herion: 'It seems we cannot be rid of you that easily, <name>, but I need your aid here again.'