Quest:Assessing the Menace

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The Golden Dwarf
Level 147
Type Solo
Starts with Girgish
Starts at Jax Phanâl
Start Region Cape of Umbar
Map Ref [14.6S, 113.8W]
Quest Group Cape of Umbar
Quest Text

Bestowal dialogue

'At the southern end of the outpost there is a guard who stands watch by the name of Nimish. Nimish is invaluable for he possesses a keen eye and pays close attention to details.

'He delivers a report to me on a regular basis. I ask that you retrieve this for me today... if you are willing.'


Khôltekh's emissary, Girgish, directs you to a soldier on watch duty that has reported the Haradrim further encroaching upon the city's limits.

Objective 1

  • Collect the report from Nimish

Girgish instructed you to visit Guard Nimish at the southern entrance of the Jax Phanâl outpost. Guard Nimish regularly informs the emissary of goings on along the southern road. Today, Girgish would like you to fetch the guard's latest report.

Girgish: 'Hurry along. We must know what the Haradrim are up to so we can best counter their movements.'
Nimish: 'Odd that Girgish sent someone else to collect this report. You fit the description that I was given perfectly, though. Please tell her that the Haradrim are getting more brazen. We do not have the force to stand against them if they organize their banners and press an attack upon the outpost.
'Everything is detailed in my report.'
Collected the guard's report

Objective 2

Nimish provided you a report on the latest movements by the Haradrim. Deliver the report to Girgish.

Girgish: The emissary takes the note from you and looks it over. She audibly clicks her tongue and then speaks. 'Interesting. I had hoped that the rumours were untrue, for one shipment intercepted is one too many. We shall need to respond.'