Quest:Another Strange Landmark

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Another Strange Landmark
Level 85
Type Solo
Starts with Cyneberg
Starts at Dunfast
Start Region Wildermore
Map Ref [37.7S, 66.3W]
Ends with Cyneberg
Ends at Dunfast
End Region Wildermore
Map Ref [37.7S, 66.3W]
Quest Text

Bestowal dialogue

'I suspect that Núrzum and his forces were behind this, but I do not think he is still here, for the weather holds steady.

'Dunfast has no Thane, no lords, no nobles, no great warriors to draw the enemy, yet something happened here. Our search for the people has been in vain thus far, but perhaps we can learn more of what happened to them.'


Cyneberg wants you to find out what made the inhabitants of Dunfast abandon their settlement and disappear into the wilds.

Objective 1

  • Search the outskirts of Dunfast for signs of the enemy

A sign of what drove away the people of Dunfast may be on the outskirts of town.

You should search the outskirts of Dunfast for a sign of the forces of Isengard.

Objective 2

Signs of Núrzum's presence can be found at the ice-spire outside of Dunfast.

You should examine signs of Núrzum's presence.

Núrzum threw great boulders as a child would toss a ball
Núrzum threw great boulders as a child would toss a ball
Núrzum looks to have pulled up strong old trees by their roots for no other reason but love of chaos
Núrzum looks to have pulled up strong old trees by their roots for no other reason but love of chaos

Objective 3

Cyneberg can be found in Dunfast.

You should return to Cyneberg.

Cyneberg: 'Núrzum takes delight in chaos and despair. He came here not to hunt these people, but to terrify them.
'He snapped trees and crushed stone, and laughed at the helpless peoples of Dunfast when they fled. At least, I hope that is how it happened. I believe they are alive somewhere.'