Quest:A Parting

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A Parting
Level 42
Type Solo
Starts with Ravaedron
Starts at Fernbrake Cot
Start Region The Angle of Mitheithel
Map Ref [39.4S, 17.4W]
Quest Group The Angle
Quest Text

Bestowal dialogue

'I have steeled myself for a sad parting, but your presence here should help. I am ready if you are, my friend.'


Ravaedron has requested you accompany him to bid farewell to the last friends he made in Middle-earth, before he departs for the West.

Objective 1

  • Talk to Ravaedron and help him say good-bye to his friends

Ravaedron stands outside Fernbrake Cot, steeling himself for a sad parting.

Ravaedron: 'Then let there be an end to my delays! "Sooner done, sooner past," as they say. It is not an Elven expression, of that I am certain.'
Complete the quest instance: A Parting

Objective 2

  • Talk to Ravaedron outside Fernbrake Cot

Ravaedron stands outside Fernbrake Cot, confused and unsatisfied.

Ravaedron: 'I... do not understand, <name>. I expected my farewell to contain a measure of sorrow for all of us, of course, but I did not think to quarrel. I do not want to leave it like this! But what can I do?'
Ravaedron frowns at the closed door of Fernbrake Cot.
'I am dissatisfied, <name>. How can my friends wish for me to depart in this fashion? Did I not make clear to them that they will be protected by such adventurers as you even when I am gone? I am certain I did. I meant no insult.'