Maegond Spur

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Maegond Spur
Type: Mountains
Region: The Plateau of Gorgoroth
Area: Talath Úrui
Location: [66.1S, 17.6E]


A spur of the Ephel Dúath forms one side of the pass of Carach Angren (also called "the Isenmouthe") which encircles the valley of Udûn.
Maegond Spur [66.1S, 17.6E]
South of that, the Maegond Spur is the spur of mountains coming out from the Morgai (Ephel Duath), south of Orodruin.
The Maegond Spur forms part of the southern boundary of the Plateau of Gorgoroth.
Mithram Spur [56.4S, 33.0E]
On the opposite side of the valley, through which a road passes into the Gorgoroth region, and below Barad-dûr is the Mithram Spur.
On the Mithram Spur were other fortresses in Mordor such as Seregost, and there were a few valleys through which the Dark Lord could see the movement of his armies in Lithlad.

Together these two mountain spurs close off the Plateau of Gorgoroth from Nurn and Lithlad.
