Fennas Dûr

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Fennas Dûr
Type: Gate
Region: King's Gondor
Area: Blackroot Vale (King's Gondor)
Location: [53.7S, 66.7W]


Fennas Dûr (Sindarin for Dark Door) can be found in the Blackroot Vale in King's Gondor. [53.7S, 66.7W]

Fennas Dûr, the Dark Door, marks the entrance to the Paths of the Dead, the road that leads beneath the Dwimorberg to Dunharrow in Rohan. Many of the Men of the Mountain who once lived beyond the door heeded Aragorn's call and were released from undeath after the retaking of Pelargir, but some refused and remain here to haunt the Blackroot Vale. The door inflicts +4 Dread.

Quest Involvement



Deed Involvement
