Dragon-kind Slayer of Elderslade (Advanced)

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Deed Lore

After the fall of the realm of Grárik, dragon-kind spread across Ered Mithrin to the western reaches of Mount Gundabad. Although their numbers are fewer in the Third Age, their presence in Elderslade poses a constant threat to any who would dare to brave the North.

To complete this deed perform the following objective(s)

Defeat dragon-kind in Elderslade (200)
After the fall of the realm of Grárik, dragon-kind spread across Ered Mithrin to the western reaches of Mount Gundabad. Although their numbers are fewer in the Third Age, their presence in Elderslade poses a constant threat to any who would dare to brave the North.


   5 LOTRO Points
  5 Copper Coin of Gundabad
   Enhancement Runes, Lvl 121 Incomparable
   2,000 Virtue Experience
   Increased Reputation with March on Gundabad ( 900 )

Deed Chain Information

  1. Dragon-kind Slayer of Elderslade
  2. Dragon-kind Slayer of Elderslade (Advanced)

Additional Information