Quest:VIP Reward for the War of Three Peaks

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VIP Reward for the War of Three Peaks
Level ...
Type Solo
Starts with Wenda Cranesbill
Starts at Celondim, Bree Market Square, Michel Delving, Thorin's Gate, Lhan Garan, Lond Cirion, Dol Amroth, Halrax, Umbar Baharbêl, or Housing areas
Quest Group Special
Quest Text

Bestowal dialogue

'Ah... a patron of distinction, welcome indeed!

'I happen to have a wondrous table to decorate your home, and you are quite welcome to it.

'This map table from the War of Three Peaks will allow you to travel to the aid of Prince Durin.'


In recognition of your VIP status, Wenda offers you a special housing item to aid your travels to the Elderslade.

Objective 1

  • Talk to Wenda Cranesbill

Speak with Wenda to accept her kind offer.

Wenda Cranesbill: 'Here you go, and safe travels!'