Quest:The Remnants of Orcs

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The Remnants of Orcs
Level 140
Type Solo
Starts with Reniaril
Starts at Arnach
Start Region Lossarnach (King's Gondor)
Map Ref [75.3S, 23.6W]
Ends with Reniaril
Ends at Arnach
End Region Lossarnach (King's Gondor)
Map Ref [75.3S, 23.6W]
Quest Group Lossarnach (King's Gondor)
Quest Text

Bestowal Dialogue

Reniaril beckons you to her.

'You look like you can take care of yourself.'

She studies you intently, while being aware of her surroundings.

'My name is Reniaril. I'm in charge of patrols along these roads. We could use someone of your ability if you could help. Imloth Melui has got its hands full with resotration efforts, and we have supplies being carted all along these roads. Sometimes these suppliies get lost. I'm concerned that Dindal's Overlook has been overrrun by remnant Orcs. I used to oversee the supply routes from there but I can no longer patrol in peace.'

'Just follow the road east until you see a path through the forest to the north into the cliffside. Perhaps you could do us all a favour and clear the way.


Reniaril is concerned that Dindal's Overlook has been overrun by remnant Orcs.

Objective 1

Reniaril has asked you to defeat any Orcs you find along the path to Dindal's Overlook. Dindal's Overlook can be found east of Imloth Melui.

Objective 2

You should inform Reniaril that Dindal's Overlook has been cleared of remnant Orcs.

Reniaril can be found south of Imloth Melui and north-east of Arnach.

Reniaril: 'I could hear the cries of the Orcs all the way from here. 'So the deed is done then. Hopefully we won't have to deal with anymore stray Orcs in the area. With so many fleeing from the war, it can be difficult to track them all down.
'Thank you for your service.'