Quest:Instance: The Cost of Loyalty

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Instance: The Cost of Loyalty
Level 73
Type Solo only
Starts with Doron
Starts at Parth Celebrant
Start Region Great River
Map Ref [28.5S, 57.9W]
Quest Group Parth Celebrant
Quest Text

Bestowal dialogue

"After contemplating a vile symbol recovered from brigands, Doron, leader of the Oath-breakers in Parth Celebrant, has chosen to confess how he and his men came to be cursed."


Doron, leader of the Oathbreakers in Parth Celebrant, has decided to tell you how he and his men came to be cursed. As he speaks, you find yourself drawn into a daydream, experiencing the tale alongside Doron and his men.

Objective 1

  • Talk to Doron
  • Doron must not be defeated

Doron is stationed outside of Ost Celebrant, after having patrolled the road down to the Limlight with his men.

Doron: 'In times long past, my men and I were stationed in Ost Celebrant, a gorgeous Gondorian fortress that overlooked the Limlight river.
'We were under siege by a terrible force of Easterlings for some time before this, and eventually they claimed Calenardhon - the land which became Rohan. They drove us north, into these fields, and it was here that we prepared to make our final stand.
'My men and I guarded the Limlight, hoping to keep their forces from the south at bay, while our leader, Cirion and his force secured the rest of the field.
'The night we were cursed began as I was patrolling back from the Limlight with my men....'

Objective 2

  • Follow Doron through his memory
  • Doron must not be defeated

Doron is stationed outside of Ost Celebrant. You should follow him as he tells his tale.

Doron says, "What you see now is all that I remember of that long-past day..."
Doron says, "My memories have failed me...Ost Celebrant lies in ruin and I can no longer see myself as I once was..."
Doron says, "But yet, this all feels so familiar..."
Doron says, "Men, they are upon us! Ready your arms!"
Doron says, "Stay alert, men!"
Doron says, "Curse them! They should not have been able to cross the Limlight..."

Objective 3

  • Follow Doron through his memory
  • Doron must not be defeated

Having survived an Easterling assault, Doron is entering Ost Celebrant, where he hopes to reunite with the rest of his men.

Doron says, "Our men to the south have failed, we must retreat to Ost Celebrant!"
Doron says, "Wait...On your guard!"
Doron says, "Their numbers are many, we must hurry!"
Doron says, "We have delayed too long, here they come!"
Doron says, "More are upon us!"
Doron says, "Fortune is with us, we have made it!"
Doron says, "Now, quickly, we must reach my men in Ost Celebrant!"

Objective 4

  • Follow Doron inside Ost Celebrant
  • Doron must not be defeated

Doron is inside Ost Celebrant with his men. You should listen as he continues his tale.

Doron says, "I cannot believe this much terror has consumed the field in so small a time..."
Doron says, "The Easterlings have always sought to take from us what is rightfully ours, but these new foes...they fight relentlessly."
Doron says, "We have already lost Calenardhon to the Easterlings, the Orcs assault from the west, and we are fewer each day..."
Doron says, "Some action must be taken...but what?"
Doron says, "Everyone, to me!"
Doron says, "The Easterlings have breached the field to the south, and they have moved to cut us off from Cirion and the others."
Doron says, "They are no doubt amassing outside the fortress as we speak."
Doron says, "We cannot pretend that Gondor has the advantage any longer. This foe is mighty, and without the aid of Cirion and our fellows...we will fall."
As Doron speaks, the din of a large force rises in the distance

Objective 5

  • Follow Doron outside Ost Celebrant
  • Doron must not be defeated

Having heard the roar of an approaching force, Doron and his men have decided to cross the bridge of Ost Celebrant and confront the invaders.

Doron says, "We can tarry no longer. You three, come with me. The rest of you, secure the fortress. Glory to Gondor!"
Doron says, "Invaders...I am Doron of Gondor! You move to strike against a fortress of my people. Abandon your assault and leave our lands, or prepare to face our might!"
Easterling Leader says, "A bold command, Doron of Gondor..."
Easterling Leader says, "But you fool yourself... We are more than enough to crush your forces!"
Doron says, "Why then do you not fall upon us where we stand?"
Easterling Leader says, "Although many among us thirst to see you and your kinsmen rent asunder, we will offer you a chance to be spared our wrath."
Doron says, "What madness is this? What makes you think we would ever listen to the likes of you?"
Easterling Leader says, "Look upon the treasures of Rhun...all of this and your lives will be yours to keep..."
Easterling Leader says, "Take this, and abandon your worthless charge. Let us flood across the Limlight, and hinder us no longer. When Gondor lies in ruin, you and your men shall remain..."
Doron says, "And if we refuse?"
Easterling Leader says, "We will slaughter every last one among you. Your leader and your fellow kin on the field will not escape their fates, no matter your choice."
Easterling Leader says, "Make your choice NOW, Gondorian, or we shall make it for you!"
Cabed says, "Has your mind been lost? We should never consider an offer from these brutes! Let us fall in battle alongside our kin and lord Cirion!"
Gondorian Soldier says, "Be silent, deserter! Who are you to speak of glory?"
Doron says, "Quiet, both of you! I have made my choice."
Easterling Leader says, "Speak, my men grow restless!"
Doron says, "We shall stand down. I harbour no desire for treasure, but I cannot allow you to cut down my men. This conflict grows desperate for us, and I only hope that Gondor can be preserved through my actions."
Doron says, "Leave the treasure, and begone from this place!"
Cabed says, "You coward! How could you?!"
Easterling Leader says, "You have made a wise choice, Doron of Gondor. Your men are fortunate to have a leader such as you - a leader who so clearly embodies the might of Gondor... Come men, we go!"
Cabed says, "You fool! We swore an oath to defend Gondor from these monsters, and you allow them to run rampant! You disgust me!"
Gondorian Soldier says, "No, it is you who is the fool, Cabed. Even if Gondor falls, these treasures will bring us fortune in the years to come!"
Doron says, "Now you understand, let us leave this vile memory behind..."

Objective 6

  • Talk to Doron
  • Doron must not be defeated

Doron is standing on the edge of the bridge into Ost Celebrant.

Doron: 'The wrong choice was made, but how could I have known? Some of my men were overjoyed by our tainted riches, while others condemned my actions.
'Cirion never forgave us...the oath we made to protect Gondor was broken by my actions, and all suffered for it.'
Doron: 'Let us leave this memory, there is more to be said.'