Quest:Instance: Forest for the Trees

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Instance: Forest for the Trees
Level 85
Type Solo only
Starts with Barallas
Starts at Drû Vádokan
Start Region Wildermore
Map Ref [31.4S, 74.4W]
Quest Group Wildermore: Balewood
Quest Text

Bestowal dialogue

Forest for the Trees
"Repulsed by the destruction the White Hand and Núrzum have caused in the forest, the Ents of Balewood march to war."


Barallas and the Ents have decided to assault Drû Vádokan and put an end to the White Hand presence in Fangorn Forest.

Objective 1

  • Talk to Barallas
  • Barallas and the Ents must survive

Barallas is standing outside Drû Vádokan.

Barallas and the others have travelled to Drû Vádokan and now stand ready to raze what remains of the Orc forces in Balewood. You should speak to him while you wait for the others to arrive.

Barallas: 'Hooom. We have traveled far, little one... and the time has come for us to reclaim our forest.
'The others have journeyed here, and should be arriving soon...
'Of course if Tithenolf has fallen asleep again... Hum, I could not speak to where he might be.'
Barallas appears to become lost in thought for a moment before remembering he is speaking to you.
'Hoom, I think I hear their approach... Let us hope it is them, <name>.'

Objective 2

  • Wait for the Ents to arrive outside Drû Vádokan
  • Barallas and the Ents must survive

Barallas is outside Drû Vádokan.

You should wait for the other Ents to arrive before beginning the assault.

As Tithenolf slowly strides forth, it is clear the last Ent has arrived

Objective 3

  • Talk to Barallas
  • Barallas and the Ents must survive

Barallas and the other Ents are outside Drû Vádokan.

The Ents are ready to assault Drû Vádokan. You should speak to Barallas and begin the assault.

Barallas: 'Hoom, I see the first of their kind just outside their camp up the road.
'Let us bring our branches crashing down upon them...'

Objective 4

  • Follow Barallas and the Ents to the gate
  • Barallas and the Ents must survive

Barallas and the Ents are marching to assault Drû Vádokan.

You should follow Barallas and the other Ents as they march to the gate of Drû Vádokan.

Barallas says, "Hoom... broom. These Orcs have cut our brethren down and laid waste to our forest."
Barallas says, "Their camp will return to the earth through our helping, but they cannot hew another tree amidst our indecision."
Barallas says, "We Ents must march against them, lest they take everything that remains...."
Barallas says, "Come, my friends... hooom, let us put their violence to an end and push them from these woods!"
Isengard Overseer says, "What?! Voskor won't like this...."
Isengard Overseer says, "You lot, hold them back! I'll warn Voskor and the others!"

Objective 5

  • Fight your way through Drû Vádokan
  • Barallas and the Ents must survive

Barallas and the Ents are attacking Drû Vádokan.

You should follow them into battle to ensure their success.

Balewood Path-finder says, "Too many trees! Run!"

Objective 6

  • Approach Voskor
  • Barallas and the Ents must survive

Voskor is standing in the middle of Drû Vádokan.

You should approach Voskor and confront him with the Ents of the Balewood.

Objective 7

  • Defeat Voskor
  • Barallas and the Ents must survive

Voskor is standing in the middle of Drû Vádokan.

You should defeat him with the Ents of the Balewood.

Voskor says, "ENOUGH!"
Voskor says, "You cursed trees! Leave me be or I'll burn you to the ground!"
Voskor says, "Stay back! Back!"
Voskor says, "Hey! Who's that there?"
Voskor says, "No... you?! I remember you!"
Voskor says, "You were there when that tree threw me into the woods, whelp!"
Voskor says, "You stole that tasty Man-flesh right out of my hands!"
Voskor says, "So you call on your precious trees to save you again, then?"
Voskor says, "This time you won't be so lucky... my flames will sear you and your friends to ashes!"
Voskor says, "And after I feast on what remains of you, I will cut and burn every last tree and spite this miserable forest!"
Voskor says, "Burn! Burn! I won't leave one tree standing!"
Voskor says, "Curse you... even with my death, your winter will NEVER end!"
Barallas says, "The Uruk is dead and the Orcs will trouble us no more, <name>! Come, let us leave this place...."
With Voskor's death, a sense of peace has returned to Balewood
Instance: Forest for the Trees
Barallas: 'The orcs will trouble us no longer, my bold friend. Hooom. Let us return to Stonecliff and enjoy this peace.'