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Image of Frumgar
Title King of the Ai-Thúda
Gender Male
Race Northmen
Region Vales of Anduin
Area Avabárg

Frumgar was the third lord of the Ai-thúda, best known for leading his people north into the Wells of Langflood, where he founded Fasthálla, and settling the spit of land between the Langwell and the Greylin rivers at the end of the Angmar War, in order to increase distance to the growing darkness of Dol Guldur, as well as removing himself from the threat of Orcs after his wife was killed in an Orc raid. He was friend to Gandalf, Radagast, Saruman and the Longbeards. Saruman gifted him the sword Wrothbláda. When Scatha attacked Fasthálla, Frumgar was wounded and poisoned by the dragon. Seeking revenge, Frumgar's son Fram slew the worm. Upon his return, Fram, brought treasure and dragonbones. Fasthálla was renamed to Framabárg in honour of Fram. Frumgar was gifted a necklace made of the dragon's teeth. His illness worsened after this, and not long after died of sickness. Some speculate that the necklace may have worsened Frumgar's condition.

Quest involvement