Quest:Skoironk: Complex Past

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Skoironk: Complex Past
Level 105
Type Fellowship
Repeatable Yes
Starts with Landscape
Starts at Skoironk
Start Region The Wastes
Map Ref [36.0S, 4.8W]
Ends with Candúr
Ends at the Slag-hills
End Region The Wastes
Map Ref [34.5S, 3.5W]
Quest Chain The Wastes: The Slag-hills
Quest Text

Bestowal dialogue

While exploring Skoironk, you notice a number of belongings that must have once belonged to a Ranger of Ithilien.

You take it upon yourself to collect these belongings so that they may be returned to their owners.

Warning: This quest requires Skoironk: Driver of Fear to be underway. If that quest has been completed or failed, you will be unable to exit and re-enter this instance in order to complete this quest.


While exploring Skoironk, you notice a number of belongings that must have once belonged to a Ranger of Ithilien.

You take it upon yourself to collect these belongings so that they may be returned to their owners.

Warning: This quest requires Skoironk: Driver of Fear to be underway. If that quest has been completed or failed, you will be unable to exit and re-enter this instance in order to complete this quest.

Objective 1

  • Collect Rangers' belongings

Collect Rangers' belongings within Skoironk.

Objective 2

  • Collect Rangers' belongings (0/12)

Collect Rangers' belongings within Skoironk.

Collected belongings (12/12)

Objective 3

  • Bring the ranger belongings to Candúr

You should collect Rangers' belongings and bring them to Candúr.

Candúr: 'I assumed these belongings and supplies were destroyed and defiled by now. This is a worthy find!'